HAVER Innovation Prize

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Posted in: , on 25. Feb. 2008 - 15:59

Unlimited support in the introduction of future technology

Thanks for a fair and innovative cooperation, based on mutual trust

The HAVER 2007 Innovation Prize for Chemicals has been awarded to SABIC Polyolefine GmbH in Gelsenkirchen Germany. Just after an award had been given to Lafarge for the area of Cement, a customer from the Chemicals area was honoured. SABIC ( Saudi Basis Industries Cooperation ) is a worldwide leading manufacturer of chemicals, fertilisers, plastics and metals. The management and employees of SABIC demonstrated a clear vision for the future and a spirit of partnership and cooperation when they installed the latest available cutting edge technology. Haver & Boecker installed 4 high-speed FFS systems in Gelsenkirchen Germany, each with a triple roll exchanger and a high performance net weigher.

On Friday, 8 February 2008, a delegation of 12 persons made its way from Gelsenkirchen to Oelde to receive the prize. Dr. Reinhold Festge, Managing Director of Haver & Boecker, and Michael Vennebusch, Manager of the Chemicals Division, welcomed the guests and introduced them to the company. ”We rely on the employees of our customers“, emphasized Dr. Festge while highlighting the importance of long-term customer contact with respect to customised development. Michael Korte of the Innovation Management Area reiterated all the points where SABIC Polyelefine employees had provided valuable suggestions for improving machine technology. All points in total were the decisive factor for this year’s selection of the Innovation Prize.

The prize is a sculpture crafted by local artist Paul Toennißen, and it depicts two persons working together in moving a heavy square stone – symbolising human cooperation in overcoming difficult obstacles and problems.

A tour of the plant was given after the prize had been awarded, and then followed by lunch and a general get-together.

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Photo 2:

Ruben Thiele (right), Engineering, accepts the HAVER Innovation Prize on behalf of all SABIC employees from Dr. Reinhold Festge, Managing Director of Haver & Boecker. The prize distinguishes excellent cooperation with Haver & Boecker.


haver_boecker_innovationspr (JPG)

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