Jobs in Particle Technology

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 22. Feb. 2008 - 19:15

Flemish Network for Particle Technology: Job opportunities in Particle Technology

Dear Particle experts,

Please find enclosed two job opportunities in Flanders for anyone interested in Particle Technology. You can find the same information on our website: and click through to jobs. The posting of job opportunities is open for all positions that relate to particle technology.

Please contact us for further information.

Innovation cooperator at VNPT

The VNPT is looking for an engineer passionate about industrial process technologies, curious for innovations and eager to communicate.

His primary tasks involve:

1. contribution to the mapping of particle technology know-how, requirements and ambitions in Flanders and surrounding regions

2. contribution to the set-up and guidance of project proposals between VNPT members and eventual third parties

3. organisation of formation and awareness meetings

4. in a later phase, the cooperator will be able to function as innovation advisor.

More info about this job is attached

Full-time assistant at UGent

The University of Ghent is looking for a full-time assistant at the lab of Particle and Interfacial Technology

His primary tasks involve:

1. teaching in Particle & Interfacial Technology

2. scientific research in Particle & Interfacial Technology with view on PhD preparation

3. collaboration in scientific projects

4. collaboration in services provided by the lab to third parties

More info about this job is attached as well (in dutch)

All information will be treated strictly confidentially.

Friendly greetings,


Dr. C. Bravo


Kasteelpark Arenberg 30

3001 Heverlee

phone: 016 32 85 95

fax: 016 32 85 90


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