Focus Works’ Software

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Posted in: , on 26. Jul. 2007 - 19:48

Focus Works Reseller Program Out Shines ALL Competitor Reseller Programs!

Our Resellers are provided with superior personalized sales tools - sales videos that say why the user should buy the product and what his return on investment is. The videos do the sales job for the sales person. This way technical sales training is kept to a minimum.

Marketing material includes personalized professional Sales Catalogs and personalized web pages linked to the resellers website. There are even training videos for the end user.

This Reseller marketing package is valued at over $50,000, yet there is no cost to the Reseller.

Focus Works extensively tests each new version before it is released. Ensuring the highest product quality.

Focus Works’ software products work out of the box unlike competitive software that needs hundreds of hours of additional programming.

For more information, please visit:


focus_works_logo_1 (JPG)

Video Demos

Erstellt am 31. Jul. 2007 - 12:35

Hi Author,

Thanks for your offer. That $50 k USD seems about right for a professional slick-pic job.

For the other applications we usually settle with a Powerpoint demonstration, some face-to-face negotiation, and a 20 second Videocam clip if we need to show the dynamics of the applications.

If you tote up the costs of a do-it-yourself presentation, it does not come all that cheap either. The only difference is that to pay for things in house is easy to do on existing accounts. If you have to buy-out then all kinds of warning bells are sounded. The management and bean-counters see no benefit in spending that kind of money on a professional job to generate more revenue.

[You may need to sell-like-hell with a Bankable-Business-Plan. But hell, if the management don't give a ---- why bother].

Regards - Sgt John.Rz / Open Book Club / Files / Bionic Research Institute