Power calculation

Posted in: , on 3. Apr. 2007 - 14:04

Dear all,

I want to calculate the sytem power as in attached sheet.

Let me brief about free body diagram.

Outer larger pulley is connected by external bel drive

Inside the pulley the polymer pulley in in friction drive.

Upon the friction driving pulley onemore pulley is fixed.

From this quarter turn belt has fixed and right angle drive has obtained.others are tensioner elements

Now my querey is how to calculate the system required power.

So that i can select gearbox accordingly

Any methodology or solving tips welcome.

Thanks in advance,


Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Power Calculation

Erstellt am 3. Apr. 2007 - 11:35

From what I understand, you need to find out what the power to drive the "outer larger pulley" and then you (after accounting for friction losses) will be able to calculate the required drive / gearbox power.

You will need to check the friction drive and the belt system is suitable for transmitting the required power / torque / force etc.

