Selection Of Filter Area

Erstellt am 20. Oct. 2006 - 09:45

Are you planning to design your own bagfilter? This could cost you a lot more than you think. You need to take into account things like dust loading, dust sizing, gas temperature and humidity etc. etc.

The best approach is to give the details of your task to a bagfilter supplier and allow him to use his experience to offer you the most economical solution. That way you get performance guarantees.

Michael Reid.

Re: Selection Of Dust Collector Filter Area

Erstellt am 20. Oct. 2006 - 03:06

Airflow for the various plant items can be found in eg the MHEA Bluebook "Recommended Practice for Troughed Belt Conveyors". Total the air/fume flow & divide it by the percolation velocity appropriate to the selected cloth, usually termed the air to cloth ratio, & there you have the required cloth area. Make allowance for a percentage of bags being blown off at any one time & there you are.

Then you can talk to the baghouse supplier in his own language with a limited vocabulary that he will understand & appreciate.

John Gateley

Re: Selection Of Dust Collector Filter Area

Erstellt am 8. Dec. 2006 - 06:08

Dear Sir,

can anybody help me calculating the perculation velocity for a particular material i.e. nomax etc.


Sachin kumar arora

sachin arora

Selecting Filter Material

Erstellt am 9. Dec. 2006 - 11:08

You need to talk to filter bag suppliers or bag filter manufacturers and give details of dust, temperature, gas composition, dust load etc. These matters are dealt with according to experience.

Michael Reid.

Re: Selection Of Dust Collector Filter Area

Erstellt am 10. Dec. 2006 - 07:22

dear sir,

i have asked the question only for gaining experience in the field , otherwise i do know verywell that i wll get the solution from some expert .

Wating eagerly for your reply .


Sachin Kr Arora

sachin arora

Filter Media

Erstellt am 5. Jan. 2007 - 01:23

You might want to look at this website:

They say in their website they manufacture dust collectors in India and they might be able to help. If they can't help, I don't know what to tell you, but may be that company should stop advertising something they can't even make.

Ed Atkinson President Dust Collection Systems Inc