Bookshop Closed Forever

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 6. Dec. 2005 - 15:49

November 6, 2005

Dear Sir

I saw a series of Trans Tech Publications in one of the Bulk Solid Handling Journal and I have interested to prepare some of them but I have not found the list and price of them in web site, please kindly guide me how can I find the price list and detailed description of these books and the way for preparation of them?

Best Regards.

B. Rezaiy

(not verified)

Bookshop Closed Forever

Erstellt am 6. Dec. 2005 - 03:00

Dear Rezaiy,

Thank you for your inquiry.

My wife and I started Trans Tech Publications in 1972 and published far over 100 technical books and compendiums until we sold the company in mid-2001.

We then continued to sell these books on a commission basis for the new owners of Trans Tech Publications, i.e. Groma Publications. We featured the Bookshop on The Powder/Bulk Portal where you could find all relevant details like contents pages and prices, etc. of these books.

Meanwhile Groma Publications was acquired by Vogel and it is now called Vogel Transtech Publications. The new owner was not interested in the many books once published in this field, and therefore we had to close our Bookshop permanently (until the time we may open it again with books by other Publishers).

Many of these books contained a wealth of information still useful for the present day engineer, and there is also a continued demand for them.

Reinhard H. Wöhlbier

Founder of Trans Tech Publications


The Powder/Bulk Portal


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