Production of abrasives

Posted in: , on 3. Jun. 2005 - 23:18

Dear Reader,

I produce abrasives cloth and abrasives paper in my little factory.

I have a problem with the weight of my abrasive cloth, this means it has a less weight in comparison to standard abrasives.

Please tell mey about your advise for solving this problem.

Thasnks and with best regards.

Abrasive Problems

Erstellt am 5. Jun. 2005 - 05:09

Greetings from the "Frozen Eastern Wilderness",

What type of problems are you having? Let me prefice this with the fact that I am an end user.

I am very familiar with the Norton and 3M brand of grinding wheels, cloth abrasive tape etc. having used them extensively in the mine where I once worked and at home sanding and refinishing furniture.

Do you manufacture large quantities of tape abrasive that is glued to cloth and then slit from a master roll to create smaller rolls?

I gather that the weight of the cloth is less than you would like-less that 90 denier? I believe that is the right term. Please tell us more.

Unless we know as a group what trouble you are having we are unable to help you.


Production Of Abrasives

Erstellt am 5. Jun. 2005 - 05:02

dear Izaharis,

I will try to explain it my problems:

First,I think so it will be better to telling about my activities:

I have one company in Iran and my factory can produce of two kind of abrasives;abrasives paper and abrasives cloth.

And In my machinaries I have abilities for made a jumbo rolls in abrasive papers and cloth.

So,my problems not depend on cutting of my abrasives or something looklike it but also I have problem about:

I have a problem about flexibility of my abrasives cloth it means

I used of cotton cloth in my abrasives and have weight of 320 gr till 400 gr and before I want to start for base coating of my process with resole I make a coat with first lamination with polyvinyl acetat and after drying I make second lamination with copolymer and after drying again I make third lamination with polyvinyl acetat and dry it again and I must tell I make lamination in two side of my cloth and both side will have a resins and after it I will make base coat with resole and coating with powder and size coat and drying and curing.

After all of the process my abrasive will come out of my heater and this abrasives not only isnt flexible but also all of the cloth from leftside to right side in width like to bo wrap and looklike one pipe and it will be so less weight.

I hope I could reach to explain it .

If you will not understand I will explain it again to you.

And if you please write your private mail and telephon no.

Thanks for hearing

With best regards


Abrasives Problem

Erstellt am 5. Jun. 2005 - 08:02

hello again from the Frozen Eastern Wilderness,

I think I know what is wrong now that you have explained it to you willing student, I think that you may have to much glue on your cloth hence the stiffnes and rolling up of the product. My other thought leads me to think the temperature is to high, have you had to do any repairs on your ovens that could affect the temperature or could you have a defective set of thermostats or thermocouples?

I am sure someone on the board will have more insight on monday in my time zone. It is still sunday over here in my part of the "Frozen Eastern Wilderness.

If all else fails I am sure someone from 3M or North in europe can help you.

Production Of Abrasives

Erstellt am 6. Jun. 2005 - 03:51

many greetings to you

my temperatures in process have dependency to bakelite co in germany and all of the time process I used it.

and for have much more glue over of my cloth,I can not understand what is your mean?

please tell me more and if it is possible write it with measurement

no to me, because I dont know glue means:base glue or other resin that I explain to you ( poly vinyl acetat or copolymer) or resol

please tell me with example and with measurement.

Thanks so lot

With best regards/

Behrouz Azadi

Abrasives Problem

Erstellt am 7. Jun. 2005 - 05:51

Behrouz, greetings and salutations from the "Frozen Eastern Wilderness".

I think I found your problem at least from a laymans point of view.

The folks over here in the US only apply glue and product to one side of their cloth media for sanding sheets and fabric rolls. I have not been near the board for a while so many apologies for not answering sooner.

If I confused tyou earlier I extand my humble apology.

My reasoning was simply that if you have been maintaining your maufacturing process as usual

and you have had normal output of product and now in an instant you are having problems with the finished product some thing must be wrong with one part of the process: It leads me to think that the quality of the raw materials delivered to you are not as adequate as before you stared having problems if your operating procedures have not changed-I humbly apologise as I do not have an adequate understanding of the Farsi language and that hampers me.

I would contact your suppliers and ask them if

they have changed suppliers for their raw materials and if so have them anaylised since this sounds more and more like a supply problem rather than a manufacturing problem to this humble layman.