Award for Lyn Bates

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Posted in: , on 2. Aug. 2004 - 14:35

Lyn is first non- Australian to receive prestigious Bulk Solids Handling Award

The Australian Institution of Engineers presented their prestigious 2004 ‘Bulk Solids Handling Award’ to Lyn Bates, the Managing Director of Ajax Equipment Ltd for his ‘Outstanding Contribution to Bulk Solids Handling’. Announcing this award during the recent International Conference on Bulk Solids Handling held in Wollongong, Australia during July, Mark Jones the Head of the Key Centre for Bulk Solids & Particulate Technologies in Newcastle, NSW. He said the Committee of the Australian Society for Bulk Solids Handling were unanimous in agreeing to make this award to a non-Australian for the first time and referred to the many activities and contributions that Lyn has made in this field. Apart from building Ajax to be a leading UK company in solids handling, these include international consulting, securing various patents and innovative developments, advising as expert witness and designing various powder test devices. He has also presented more than 100 papers at International Conferences and Seminars and ran many in-house Seminars and workshops on aspects of solids handling. He chaired numerous working parties and task forces for the British Materials Handling Board, the European Federation of Chemical Engineers Working Party for the Mechanics of Particulate Solids, served as chairman of the I.Mech.E Bulk Materials Handling Committee and is on the Technical Committee of SHAPA and various BSI Committees.

He is a regular contributor to specialised Solids Handling Web Site Forums, I.Chem.E and A.I.Chem.E Newsletters, is moderator to a column on


href="" target="blank"> and has a regular column "Ask Lyn" on The Powder/Bulk Portal (


href="" target="blank"> He also has a column in the Indian ‘Bulk Solids’ Magazine. He authored books on Segregation, the Design of Screw Feeders and published a ‘Glossary of Terms in Powder and Bulk Technology’, as well as writing numerous technical articles for Ajax. These include information on powder testing, many aspects of flow and behaviour of bulk solids, hopper design and screw type equipment, copies of which can be secured via


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His sense of humour is amply demonstrated by his formation of the ‘Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Hoppers’, his ‘Flow Commandments’, ‘ Lyn’s Retrofit laws’ and ‘The Specification of Particularly Hazardous Bodies’. His expertise is being passed on and expanded within Ajax. This is reflected by the international demand for the company’s services and the quality of its equipment, as signified by its theme of ‘Quality by Performance; Performance by Design’.

This award follows his receipt of the I.Mech.E ‘Solids Handling Award’ in 1999: - ‘In recognition of his professional excellence in bulk solids handling technology’. It confirms that progress has been made to achieve and sustain the objective set out in his company mission statement: - ‘To provide a World-Class Service to the Bulk Solids Industry’.

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lynbates_award (JPG)

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