
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 20. May. 2004 - 06:01

hi im doin some art projekt, with cement, i will build a form of oldscool unpreperd plank, and im wondering if and how to do it, what i expect for results is a concreet piece 800mm x 900mm x10-22mm (as thin as it can get whit out break) qustion?- are there any special cement types/blends i shuld use, how thin can it be and still look like concreet blook, without breakin? its only gona hang on a wall, so that it vill hold for its own wight is my only demand, pleece reply if you know how! robbanatom@hotmail.com

Cement Art

Erstellt am 21. May. 2004 - 12:53

Use Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (gasbeton/ lightweight concrete). It is a commonly available building material. Comes in blocks and panels and is used for sculptures.

Michael Reid.