Angle of Internal Friction of Cereal

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Posted in: , on 11. Mar. 2002 - 12:18


My name is Odi, I am a student of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Faculty of Agricultural Technology.

I am doing a research study on the angle of internal friction of cereals with direct shear test. The research will be used to write a thesis. I have difficulty finding supporting literature (book/article) with regard to the title.

I would like to ask you articles with respect to the title.

Items that I want to ask you are:

1.flow properties of cereals, how its if be measured with direct shear test.

2.efect of angle of internal friction toward handling equipment

( such as: bins and hopper). of angle of internal friction of several cereals

( such as : rice, corn, soy bean).

I look foward to hearing from you soon. Please send it

via e-mail :

Thanks for your help.

Sincerely yours,


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