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Thomas Kusserow Thomas Kusserow Marketing-Manager Mining & Minerals, Abb pi pm Germany (Click for more!)
Leonardo Antonio Di Mare Pareja Leonardo Antonio Di Mare Pareja Mechanical Engineer, Cementos del Caribe S.A. (Click for more!)
Geoff Robinson Geoff Robinson Industrial Statistician, CSIRO (Mathematical and Information Sciences) Australia (Click for more!)
P. K. Venugopalan P. K. Venugopalan Deputy Chief Engineer, FICHTNER Consulting Engineers (Click for more!)
Eko Putranto Eko Putranto Head of Mechanical Engineering Departement, PT. Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (Persero) (Click for more!)
Helmut Mayer Helmut Mayer Director and Principal Engineer, Mayer International Group Pty. Ltd. Australia (Click for more!)