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Dr. Bhima Rao Raghupatruni
About Bhima Rao Raghupatruni

M.Sc (Tech) Applied Geology
M. Sc (Engg.) Mineral Engineering
Ph D (Engg.) Mineral Engineering
Scientist since 1978

Know-how and experience:

Fields of Consulting work:




Ph D Mineral Engineering“EFFECT OF ADDITIVES ON COMMINUTION” Indian School of MinesDhanbad 1989
M. Sc (Engg) Mineral Process Engineering Andhra University,Visakhapatnam 1976
M. Sc (Tech) Applied Geology Andhra University,Visakhapatnam 1975
B. Sc Geology, Physics,Chemistry Andhra University,Visakhapatnam 1972
H.S.S.L.C Composite Maths Higher Secondary Board of Education, Hyderabad 1969


Scientist E II From Sept. 1993 RRL, Bhubaneswar Guiding Ph D students on the basic and applied research, Process development, auditing and modifications of operating Indian mineral processing industries. Scientific advisory, planning and organizing of Regional Research Laboratory, R & D and academic institutions etc., organising National& International seminars, symposia, work shops etc.,
Guest Researcher Feb. 1993 toJuly 1993 Mineral Technology, Lulea, Sweden Effect of Additives on Dry Grinding of Industrial Minerals
Scientist E I Sept. 1988 to Sept. 1993 RRL, Bhubaneswar Basic research on comminution leading to award of Ph D. Gravity concentration, Process development, planning and organizing of mineral processing laboratory etc.,
Scientist C Sept. 1983 to Sept. 1988 RRL, Bhubaneswar Basic research, Process development for mineral processing industries.,
Scientist B Sept. 1978 to Sept. 1983 RRL, Bhubaneswar Evaluation, testing, processing of ores and minerals including bench and pilot plant level.
Researcher Feb. 1977 toSept. 1978 Andhra University Beneficiation of studies on chromite and manganese ores

Nominated for inclusion in the publication –
International Directory of Distinguished Leadership 2001
Board of Advisors to The American Biographical Institute 2001
Best paper award by the Institution of Engineers India,
Orissa State Centre 2001
National Mineral Award -1999, by Govt. of India 2001
Govindgupta Memorial Running Shield And Cash Award
For Outstanding R & D Activity Award by the
Institution of Engineers India, Orissa State Centre 2000
Institution development award by Mining Engineers Association, 1997
Best paper award by the Institution of Mineral Engineers India, 1996
Best paper award by the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1991
UGC and CSIR graduate and post graduate scholarships, 1972 -1976
Expert member in various internal committees
Expert member in mineral processing beneficiation, recognized by TIFAC & DST, Govt. of India.
Paper setter, evaluator and examiner for mineral beneficiation degree and post graduation degree courses
Evaluator and guide for Ph D and M. Tech (By research) degrees in mineral engineering courses
Vijayashree award, India International Friendship Society, New Delhi, 1998


Basic research on additives in wet grinding of ores such as magnetite, magnesite, chromite, hematite, coal etc., and dry grinding of pure minerals of calcite, dolomite, siliminite, zircon and coal etc., for energy saving, enhancement of values, recovery, production and development of flow sheets for recovery of values from various ores such as chromite, tungsten, magnetite, magnesite, nickel, beach sands, molybdenum, graphite, copper-lead zinc ores, iron ores, mineral and metallurgical wastes, dewaterability etc.,

The Tata Iron and Steel Company, Jamshedpur,
The Ferro Alloys Company, Bhubaneswar,
The Orissa Mining Corporation, Bhubaneswar,
The Steel Authority of India, Ranchi,
Central Mine Planing and Development, Ranchi,
Mahandi Coal Fields Limited.,Talcher
The Indian Rare Earths Limited, Quilon,
The Hindustan Copper Limited, Ghatsila,
The Hindustan Zinc Limited, Udiapur,
The Wolkem India Limited, Udiapur,
The Rajasthan State Mineral Development Board, Jaipur,
National Mineral Development Corporation, Hyderabad,
Sandur Manganese and Iron Ore Ltd, Banagalore,
Misrilal Mines Private Limited, Chaibasa,
Tamilnadu Mineral Limited, Chennai, etc.,
National Aluminum Company Ltd., Bhubaneswar,
Ispat Alloys, Balasore


Chromite Ore Beneficiation Plant by Ms Ferro Alloys Corporation Ltd.,
Boula, Orissa, India.

Chromite Ore Beneficiation Plant by Ms Tata Iron and
Steel Company Ltd., Jamshedpur, India.

Additive in dry Grinding of Calcite by Ms Wolkem, Udaipur, India.

Process modification of Chromite Ore Beneficiation Plant of The Orissa
Mining Corporation Ltd., Orissa, Bhubaneswar, India.

Process modification of Graphite Beneficiation Plant of the Tamilnadu
Mineral Industries, Shivaganga, India.


Books :
Reports :


Guided many research students leading to Ph D in Chemistry and Mineral processing and M. Tech in Mineral processing degrees.


Different institutions and R & D organisations of National and Internationals invited for invited lectures.

10. EDITORIAL Please see Enxure
Edited BooksVolumes published by the Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, Indian Institute of Metals, Institution of Engineers India, Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar,


Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Calcutta (Life member)
and Hon. Secretary, Regional center, Bhubaneswar (1997 -98)
Indian Institute of Metals, Calcutta, (Life member)
and Hon. Secretary, Regional center, Bhubaneswar
Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, Jamshedpur, (Life member)
and Hon. Secretary, Regional center, Bhubaneswar (1993 -96)
Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta, (Life member)
and Council member, Regional center, Bhubaneswar (1998 -99)
Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India, Calcutta, (Life member)
Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India, Calcutta, (Life member)
Orissa Bigyana Academy, Bhubaneswar, (Member)
Surfactants, Emulsions and Colloids, Baroda, (Life member)
Mining Engineers Association, Barbil, (Life member)
Catalysis Society of India, Madras, (Life member)
Society of Geological and Allied Technologies, Bhubaneswar, (Life member)
South Asian Economic Association, Dhanbad, (Life member)


Organised many seminars, symposiaworkshops and Technical meetings in association with Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar and Indian Institute of Metals, Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, The Institution of Engineers India, Ministry of Steel, etc. Please see Enxure


Guest Researcher in Mineral Technology, Lulea University, Lulea, Sweden, 1993.

Father’s Name Mr. R. Narayana Murty
Date of Birth 3rd August, 1952
Address for Communication
Dr. R. Bhima Rao, ScientistMineral Processing TechnologyRegional Research LaboratoryBhubaneswar, 751 013, India.Telephones0674- 581 635363839 and 580 090-95 Ext. 565 (O)0674- 581 237 (Residence)091-674- 581 637, 583 353, 581 750, 581 126, ( Fax)E mail: R. BHIMA RAO)


(a) Papers, in referred journals -National & International and ISBN books

R. Bhima Rao, S. Prakash, M.R. Patil, Nivedita Patnaik and G.N. Banerjee Grindability characteristics of low grade ores useful for refractory applications Applications of Chemical Engineering for Utilisation of Natural Resources, Edt. G.K. Roy, C.R. Mishra and K. Sarveswara Rao, Published by New Age International (P) ltd., New Delhi, 2001, 17 –23.
R. Bhima Rao, M.B. Veeresh and P.S.R. Reddy Flotation kinetics of coking coal fines Processing of Fines (2), Edt. P. Bhattacharya, Et all, Published by National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, Nov. 2000, 199-208. ISBN. 81-87053-53-4.
R. Bhima Rao Guest EditorialElectrical energy saving in fine dry grinding of industrial minerals The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, Special issue “PROCESSING & BENEFICIATION” Vol. 39, No.9, Sep, 2000, 3-4.
R. Bhima Rao Beneficiation of diamondiferous deposits by using heavy media cyclones The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, Vol. 39, No.9, Sep, 2000, 37-39.
G.N. Banerjee, B.R. Reddy and R.B. Rao Deironation of bauxite by gaseous reduction and magnetic separation for refractory uses Trans. IIM, Vol. 53, No. 4-5, Aug-Oct. 2000, 527-529.
J.K. Mohanty, D.S. Rao,B.Das and R. Bhima Rao Mineralogy and pre –concentration of the chromite overburden of the Sukinda Ultramafic Belt, Orissa, India. CIMICM Bulletin, Vol. 93, No. 1038, March 2000, 37-43.
R. Bhima Rao, S. Prakash and P.S.R. Reddy Effect of grinding aids on graphite flotation. Powder Handling and Processing, Particle Characterization, Trans. Tech. Publications, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1996, 41 -46. Republished this paper in Powder Handling and Processing, A2000, Part IV, 7-11, by the Chief Editor as the best articles published during 1989 -1999.
G.N. Banerjee and R. Bhima Rao Thermal shock for energy conservation: A case study on ball milling of vanadiferrous magnetite Metals, Materials and Processes, Vol.12, No.1, 2000, 81-86.
M.A.E. Prasada Rao, B.R. Reddy and R. Bhima Rao Beneficiation of kaoline deposit World Ceramics and Refractories, vol. 11, no.1, 1999, 11 -13.
Nivedita Patnaik, S.K. Biswal, B.V.R. Murty and R. Bhima Rao Upgradation schemes on calcareous graphite ore beneficiation plant concentrate of Rajasthan, India:for use in refractory applications World Ceramics and Refractories, vol. 10, no.2, 1999, 14 -18.
R. Bhima Rao, P. Chattopadhyay and G.N. Banerjee Removal of iron from fly ash for ceramic and refractory applications Magnetic and Electrical Separation, 1999. p21-27
R. Bhima Rao Guest EditorialApplications of microwave energy in mineral processing industries The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, Special issue “PROCESSING & BENEFICIATION” Vol. 38, No.3, Mar. 1999, 3-4.
Nivedita Patnaik, M.R. Patil, R. Sakthivelu and R. Bhima Rao Thermal and Structural study of low grade grapite ore from Shivaganga, India -Its implication in beneficiation process. Jr. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 57,541-549, 1999.
S.K. Biswal, Nivedita Patnaik and R. Bhima Rao Development of Flotation MachinesCells for Mineral Processing Industries - A Global Scenario. The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, Vol. 38, No.1, Jan. 1999, 23-26.
G.N. Banarjee, B.R. Reddy, R. Bhima Rao and H.S. Ray Effect of Magnetizing Roasting on Removal of Iron from Bauxite ore for Refractory Uses. World Ceramics and Refractories, JanFeb. 1998, vol, 9, No. 1, 12-16.
R. Bhima Rao, Laboratory investigations on the assessment and preconcentration of coastal sillimanite Magnetic and Electrical Separation, 1998. p221-228
R. Bhima Rao and S. Das Magnetic Separation of Concentrate of Chrome Ore Beneficiation Plants, Sukinda Valley, India. The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, No.1, Jan. 1998, 11-12.
R. Bhima Rao and B.P. Singh Effect of Oxidative Degradation of Coal on Ball Milling of Basic Slag. Metals, Materials and Processes, Vol.9, No.1, 45 -48, 1998.
R. Bhima Rao and Eric Forssberg Effect of Polymers as Dispersing Agents on Dry Grinding of Dolomite Metals Materials and Processes, Vol.9, No.1, 49 -56, 1998.
M.R. Patil, K. S. Shivakumar, S. Prakash and R. Bhima Rao Effect of organic reagents on the zetapotentials of graphite, quartz and calcite minerals Jr. of Surface Science Technology, vol. 14, special issue, 1998, 1- 6.
R. Bhima Rao, B. Das and S.R.S. Sastri Improving Grade of Indian Chromite Ores by High -Gradient Magnetic Separation Magnetic and Electrical Separation, 8 (2) 175 -183, 1997.
R. Bhima Rao Utilization of Indian Mineral Wastes Jr. of Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 78, Sep, 1997, 1-7.
M.R. Patil, K. S. Shivakumar, S. Prakash and R. Bhima Rao Estimation of the Liberation Size of Graphite in a Schistose Rock and its Response to Beneficiation Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, Nov. 1997, 41-44.
R. Bhima Rao, L. Besra, B.R. Reddy and G.N. Banerjee Effect of Pretreatment on Magnetic Separation of Ferruginous Minerals in Bauxite. Magnetic and Electrical Separation, 8 (2) 69 -138, 1997.
R. Bhima Rao, M.A.E Prasada Rao and B.R. Reddy Beneficiation Studies on Kaolin Deposits for Industrial Use Recent Advances in Metallurgical Processes, Vol.1, Edt. D.H. Sastry Et all, New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers, July 1997, 101-106.
M.R. Patil, K.S. Shivakumar, B.K. Mahapatra and R. Bhima Rao Characterization and Liberation of Graphite Schist Processing of Fines, Edt. P. Bhattacharya, Et all, Published by National Metallurgical Laboratory and Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, Jamshedpur, May, 97, 24-29.
N. Patnaik, M.R. Patil and R. Bhima Rao Effect of Acid Leaching on Recovery of Graphite from Calcareous Deposits. Processing of Fines, Edt. P. Bhattacharya, Et all, Published by National Metallurgical Laboratory and Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, Jamshedpur, May, 1997, 189-193.
B. Das, P.S.R. Reddy, S.Prakash, S.K. Biswal, R. Bhima Rao and D.K. Sengupta Feasibility of iron recovery from iron ore tailings for iron and steel making Solid Liquid Separation in mineral and metallurgical industries, 1996, Edt. R. Bhima Rao and M.I. Ansari
L. Besra and R. Bhima Rao Low temperature ashing: A method to assess the effect of additives on grinding and flotation of coal. Fuel Science and Technology International, Vol. 14, No. 10, Oct. 1996.
R. Bhima Rao A novel approach in the beneficiation of ferruginous bauxite by microwave heating. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 1996, Aug, 301 -306.
L. Besra, G.N. Banerjee, B.R. Reddy and R. Bhima Rao Flotation studies of calcareous bauxite for refractory use. Processing of Indian Bauxite and Alumina: Problems and Prospects, Edit. G.N Banerjee Et all, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, Feb. 1996, 467 -477.
G.N Banerjee, B.R. Reddy, R. Bhima Rao, D.K. Dey, S.K. Mishra and H.S. Ray Removal of iron from bauxite for refractory uses. Processing of Indian Bauxite and Alumina: Problems and Prospects, Edit. G.N Banerjee Et all, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, Feb. 1996, 479-490.
R. Bhima Rao, S. Prakash and P.S.R. Reddy Effect of grinding aids on graphite flotation. Powder Handling and Processing, Particle Characterization, Trans. Tech. Publications, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1996, 41 -46.
R. Bhima Rao and S. Anand Effect of grinding mill environment on dissolution of nickel from reduced chromite overburden -A preliminary study. Erzmetal, 49, 1, 1996, 57 -59.
Nivedita Patnaik, B. Das and R. Bhima Rao Removal of calcium and iron oxides from bauxite for use in refractory industry. Erzmetal, 49, 9, 1996, 555-558
G.N Banerjee, B.R. Reddy, R. Bhima Rao, D.K. Dey, S.K. Mishra and H.S. Ray. Up gradation of low grade bauxite for refractory and abrasive applications. Indian Mineral Industry: Energy, Environment and Resource Development, Edit. S.R.S. Sastri, R. Bhima Rao, P.S.R. Reddy and H.S. Ray, Allied publishers, New Delhi, 1995, 373 -378.
R. Bhima Rao, Hakan Persson and Eric Forssberg Effect of additives on energy benefit in dry agitated mills. Indian Mineral Industry: Energy, Environment and Resource Development, Edit. S.R.S. Sastri, R. Bhima Rao, P.S.R. Reddy and H.S. Ray, Allied publishers, New Delhi, 1995, 93 -100.
R. Bhima Rao, T.G. Charan, S.Prakash, K.S.Narasimhan and T.C.Rao Grinding aids for energy conservation : A case study on grindability of iron ore . Institution of Engineers India, Vol. 75, May, 1995, 6 -8.
L. Basra and R. Bhima Rao Liberation enhancement by grinding aids for clean coal. Institution of Engineers India, Vol. 76, May, 1995, 56- 59.
R. Bhima Rao, K.S. Narasimhan and T.C. Rao Effect of grinding aids on liberation of gangue mineral from ore. Mineral Processing: Recent Advances and Future trends, Ed. Mehrotra, S.P and Rajiv Shekhar, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1995, 284 -253.
R. Bhima Rao Utility of ultra basic rocks for refractory industries. The Mining and Engineering Journal, April, 1994, 26 -28.
R. Bhima Rao and K.S.Narasimhan Effect of cryogenic additives on grindability of thermal coal Aufbereitungs technik , 35, 4, 1994, 200-208.
R. Bhima Rao, B. Das. M.I. Ansari and V. Mahadevan Pre treatment of lead - Zinc ore by microwaves : An improved method to recover metal values. International series on Chemical Engineering Approach. Ed. H.S.Ray, A.K.Mitra, Published by PID, Delhi and Wiley Eastern Limited, Delhi, 1994, 31-37.
R. Bhima Rao. A report on Mining and Milling of Fibrous Minerals - Associated Health Hazards. The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, Oct. -Nov, 1994, 27-29.
B.Das, B.P.Singh and R.Bhima Rao Recovery of iron values form red mud by selective flocculation. Indian Chemical Engineer, Vol. 35, No.3, 1993, 154-156.
R.Bhima Rao and Eric Forssberg Characterisation and size analysis of mineral powders by surface area, X ray and laser beam instruments. Applications of analytical instruments, Edit. B.S.Acharya and Rajeev, Allied publishers, New Delhi, 1993, 198-203.
B.Das and R. Bhima Rao The possibility to recover nickel from preconcentration of nickel ferrous laterites. Erzmetall, 45, 3, 1992, 164-169.
D.N.Dey, B.C.Mohanty, S.R.Sastri and R. Bhima Rao Utilization of lean and off grade chromite ores for preparation of ferro chrome. Jr. of Mines , Metals and Fuels, XL, 3 & 4, 1992, 135-138.
S.Prakash , A.R.Prasad, S.G.Kumar, R. Bhima Rao, G.V. Rao, Rajeev, D.K. Sengupta and M.I. Ansari. Beneficiation of lowgrade tungsten ore from eluvial deposit of Degana. Jr. of Mines Metals and Fuels, XL, 3 & 4, 1992, 147-151.
B.Das, B.P.Singh and R. Bhima Rao Flocculation studies on redmud using polyacrylamide. Trans. Indian Institute of metals, 45, 3, 1992, 173-176.

A. Raviprasad, P.S.R.Reddy and R. Bhima Rao Characterisation and pilot scale beneficiation studies of siliceous chromite ore for industrial use. Institution of Engineers (India ), Vol. 72, MN2, Nov 1991, .
R. Bhima Rao, T.C.Rao and K.S.Narasimhan . Effect of Additives on Grinding of Magnetite Ore. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, Aug. 91, 144 -151.
R. Bhima Rao B.K.Mahapatra, T.C.Rao and K.S.Narasimhan. Use of Chemical Additives to Improve the Grindability of Magnetite ore and its Influence on Mill Energy. Aufbereitungs Technik, 391, 122-128.
R. Bhima Rao, K.K.Bhattacharya and M.I. Ansari Beneficiation of ferrugineous bauxite ore. The Indian Mining & Engineering Journal, March 91, 17-19.
K.S.Narasimhan , R. Bhima Rao and B.Das Characterisation and concentration of laterites. Minerals Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1989, 425-29.
R. Bhima Rao, S.Prakash, B.Das and K.S. Narismhan. Utility of laterites as a source of nickel and cobalt. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, March,1988, 144-49
R. Bhima Rao, P.S.R. Reddy, S. Prakash and M.I. Ansari Recovery of chromite values from chromite ore beneficiation plant tailings. Transections of Indian Institute of Metals, Vol. 40, No. 3, June, 1987, 203 -208.
S.R.S. Sastri, R. Bhima Rao, P.S.R. Reddy and K.S. Narasimhan Comparison of different methods of particles size analysis. Aufbereitungs tech. Vol. 3, March, 1986, 176 -177.
S. Prakash, B. Das and R. Bhima Rao Recovery of cobalt and chromium from chromite mine dumps. The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, 1985, 24, 5, 5- 7.
R. Bhima Rao, S. Prakash, G.V. Rao, M.I. Ansari and K.S. Nrasimhan Utility of overburden from chromite mines Proc. Indian National Science Acadamy. 50.A, No.5, 1984, 467-478.

(b) Papers in Confernce Proceedings-National & International

G.N. Banerjee and R. Bhima Rao Preparation of raw materials for refractory and ceramic uses from alumino-ferrous low grade ore and waste product Proceedings of National Seminar on Special materials, Indian Institute of Metals, Bhubaneswar chapter, Jan, 2001, p

R. Bhima Rao Energy Conservation in Ultra Fine Dry Grinding Mills Technical Annual 42nd Session, The Institutionof Engineers (India), Jan, 2001, p20-32
Nivedita Patnaik and R. Bhima Rao Correlation between dielectric properties, reduction ratio and floatability of graphite ores National seminar on special materials processing and characterization, Jan. 2001, p
G.N. Banerjee, R. Bhima Rao and B.R. Reddy Removal of iron from low grade bauxite for refractory use Bauxite vision 2050, Mining Engineers Association of India, Belgam Chapter, Jan, 1999, p90 -100.
G.N. Banerjee, R. Bhima Rao, B.R. Reddy and H.S. Ray Gas phase reduction and magnetic separation of iron in bauxite for refractory use Proceedings of the Interactive meet on bauxite -alumina, organized by JNARDDC, Nagpur, 1998, 159 -163.
L. Besara and R. Bhima Rao Effect of flotation reagents on grindability of coal Proceedings of the National symposium on Organic Reagents -Synthesis and use in Extractive Metallurgy, pp10, Edt. Mukarjee T.K etal, 1994, p59- 66.
R.Bhima Rao and Eric Forssberg Effect of Additives on Dry Grinding of Industrial Minerals. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mineral beneficiation : Recent Trends & Beyond 2000 AD, Edit. G.M.Rao etal, Published by Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India, Nagpur, Oct,1994,
R.Bhima Rao, B.Das and K.S.Narasimhan Mineralogy and Beneficiation Studies of Nickel ferrous Minerals. Proceedings of the Xth ISAS national Symposium on Strategic and Hi-Tech metals-Extraction and Process characterization, Indian Society of Analytical Scientists and the Indian Institute of Metals, Udaipur, March, 1994, 269-27.
R.Bhima Rao and A. Ravi Prasad On recovery of Panna Diamonds. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Gemstones, Society of Geoscientists and Allied Technologists,Bhubaneswar,Dec.1993,123-128.
R.Bhima Rao Utility of mining dumps and industrial wastes of Orissa : An alternate method to preventthe environmental pollution. Proceedings of the Orissa Environment Congress, Published by Orissa Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar, Edit. H.K. Patra and P.K.Das, 1992, 28-31.
R.Bhima Rao, T.G. Charan and S.Prakash Energy Conservation in Tumbling mill By Introducing grinding Aids. Proceedings of Seminar on Energy management and Conservation in Industries, Organized by Orissa Engineering Congress and the Institution of Engineers (India), Bhubaneswar, Jan 92, 14-16.
R.Bhima Rao, B.C.Acharya and S.R.S.Sastri, Assessment of liberation size. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Research and Process Development in Mineral Preparation, Institute of Mineral Engineers and National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, Published by INSDOC, Bangalore, Ed. Chakraborti, D.M. etal., April, 1992, 51-58.
R.Bhima Rao and S.R.S.Sastri. Effect of additives on wet grinding of magnesite ores. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Research and Process Development in Mineral Preparation, Institute of Mineral Engineers and National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, Published by INSDOC, Bangalore, Ed. Chakraborti, D.M. etal., April, 1992,
R.Bhima Rao and M.I.Ansari Beneficiation of Indian bauxite ores for refractory industries. Proceeding of the seminar on beneficiation of refractory raw materials, Indian refractory makers association, Calcutta, April,1992, 1-6.
R.Bhima Rao, A.R.Prasad and M.I.Ansari Beneficiation of low grade chromite from Singhbhum district, Bihar, for use in refractory industries. Proceedings of the seminar on beneficiation of refractory raw materials, Indian Refractory Makers Association, Calcutta, April, 1992, 49-57.
R. Bhima Rao Gravity concentration of minerals - natural phenomena and industrial practice. Proceedings of the gravity concentration and Indian mineral industry, IIM & RRL Bhubaneswar, Feb.1992, 87-90.
R. Bhima Rao, P.S.R.Reddy, A.R.Prasad B.Das, S. Prakash, S.R.S.Sastri and M.I. Anasari Some experiences in gravity concentration and performance of gravity separation units for Indian chromite. Proceedings of the gravity concentration and Indian mineral industry, IIM & RRL Bhubaneswar, Feb, 1992, 253 -269.
R.B.Rao, G.V.Rao, P.S.R.Reddy, S.K.Bhaumik and M.I.Ansari, Beneficiation of iron ore slimes by gravity concentration techniques. B.Das, S.Prakash, Proceedings of the Gravity concentration and Indian mineral industry, IIM & RRL Bhubaneswar, Feb,1992,161-76.
R.Bhima Rao, B.C.Acharya, B.K.Mahapatra, T.C.Rao and K.S. Narasimhan. Applications of Microscopic studies in Comminution. Proceedings of National Workshop on applied mineralogy, RRL,.Bhubaneswar, Jan, 92, PIT,1.1-1.6.
R.Bhima Rao and B.P.Singh Agni Rashname Prakruthika Khanijoo Ki Bhubhika : Ek Bharatiya Drusya (Hindi Languiage) Proceedings of the Vignan Jan Jan Keliye, Organized by Raja Bhasa Karyasamiti and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Sep. 1992, 127-128.
R.Bhima Rao, T.G.Charan, S.Prakash. Energy conservation in tumbling mill by introducing grinding aids. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Energy Management and Conservation in Industries, Organized by OEC &IE (I) Bhubaneswar, Jan 92, P 14-16.
R. Bhima Rao and S.R.S.Sastri Thermal analysis to estimate the clay content: A case study on Shimoga kaolin clay. Proceedings of 8th National symposium on Thermal analysis, Thermal Society and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Dec 1991, 554 -560.

R. Bhima Rao, T.C.Rao and K.S Narasimhan. Additives in Grinding. Proceedings of International Symposium on Beneficiation and Agglomeration, Bhubaneswar, India, IIM & RRL Bhubaneswar, Jan,1991, P67 - 77.
B.Das, R.B.Rao, P.S.R.Reddy and K.S.Narasimhan Pre concentration of nickel in chromite overburden by hydrocyclone. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Ferro Alloy Scenario, IIM & RRL Bhubaneswar,1990.,P 7.1 -7.7.
R. Bhima Rao, T.A.Raman and K.S.Narasimhan Reduction of mill power for tumbling mill by use of chemical additives - A case study on continuous grinding of chromite overburden material. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Ferro Alloy Scenario, IIM & RRL, Bhubaneswar, 1990, P 15.1-15.6.
R.Bhima Rao Tungsten - Flotation. Proceedings of Silver jubilee work shop on Flotation, Vol.2 DMRL & RRL Bhubaneswar, April,1989, V.5.1-5.23.
R..B. Rao and S.R.S. Sastri. Beneficiation of chromite ores for charge chrome. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Ferro Alloy Making,. IIM & RRL, Bhubaneswar,1989, P 61 -72.
B. Das R. Bhima Rao and K.S. Narasimhan. Beneficiation of low grade chrome ore for use in charge chrome industry. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Ferro Alloy Making , IIM &RRL , Bhubaneswar,1989, P 73-79.
R. B. Rao, P.S.R. Reddy, S.R.S Sastri, S. Prakash, B. Das and K.S. Narasimhan Beneficiation of nickel and cobalt bearing chromite overburden, Sukinda valley. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Beneficiation and Agglomeration, IIM & RRL, Bhubaneswar, Dec. 1986, 444 -450.
R. Bhima Rao, T.G. Charan and S.R.S. Sastri Characterization and response to beneficiation of chromite ores of Orissa. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Mineral Processing , IIME & NML, Jamshedpur, Feb. 1985, 141 147.
K.S. Narashimhan, R.K. Sahu, M.I. Ansari, S.R.S. Sastri, D.K. Sengupta, G.V. Rao, R.B. Rao and P.S.R. Reddy Characterization and response to beneficiation of low grade chromites of India. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Beneficiation&AgglomerationIIM & RRL, Bhubaneswar, Dec. 1981, 3.18.1 -18.9.

a) Convenor
Interactive meeting on waste utilization from minerals and mineral based industries, Organised by IIME and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Aug. 95

National Seminar on Energy, Enveronment and Resource Development for Mineral Industries, Organised by IIME and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Jan. 95

National Seminar on Solid -Liquid Separation in Mineral and Metallurgical Industries,
Organised by IIME and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Nov. 1996

All India Seminar on Chemical Engineering Progress on Resource Development: A Vision 2010 and Beyond.
Organised by The Institution of Engineers India, Orissa State Center, Bhubaneswar, March, 2000.

Workshop on Energy Utilisation in Industrial Sector,
Organised by Indian Institute of Metals, Bhubaneswar chapter, April, 2000

Seminar on Applications of Information Technology in Small and Medium Scale Steel and Other Metallurgical Industries, July, 2000
Organised by Indian Institute of Metals, Bhubaneswar chapter Ministry of steel, Development Commissioner for Iron and Steel, Joint Plant Committee and Corporate moniter, Calcutta, July, 2000

Workshop on Steel Mill Lubrication and Maintenance, 24th February, 2001
Organised by Indian Institute of Metals, Bhubaneswar chapter, Ministry of steel, Development Commissioner for Iron and Steel, Joint Plant Committee and Steel & Metallurgy Journal, Calcutta.

b) Editorial and Organising member

1. Interactive meet on Processing of Indian Bauxite and Alumina (Problems and Prospects) Organised by IIM, IIChE and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Feb.1996.
2. Indian Mineral Industry: Energy, Environment and Resource Development, Organised by IIME, and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Published by Allied Publishers, New Delhi.1995
3. Flotation, (Silver Jubilee Workshop) Organised by Mineral beneficiation dept. RRL, Bhubaneswar, Proceedings printed by RRL (CSIR), Bhubaneswar, 1988.
4. Profile on Mineral Beneficiation, RRL, Bhubaneswar, 1992. Organised by RRL, Bhubaneswar Released on the occasion of National Seminar on Gravity Concentration, Bhubaneswar, India.
5. Selected Bibiliography on gravity Concentration, 1992. Released on the occasion of National Seminar on Gravity Concentration, Bhubaneswar, India.
6. Gravity Concentration and Indian Mineral Industry, National Seminar Proceedings, Organised and Printed by Regional Research Laboratory, (CSIR), Bhubaneswar, 1992.
7. International symposium on beneficiation and agglomeration, Organised by IIM, and RRL, Bhubaneswar, 1986
8. Industry and research meet on technology commercialzation, Organised by IIChE, IDBI, and RRL, Bhubaneswar, 1996
9. National Seminar on Environmental geology with special reference to waste management, Organised by Andhra University, Visaskhapatnam, Aug, 2000
10. National Seminar on specific problems in mines, Organised by Mining Engineers Association, Bhubaneswar Chapter, Sept, 2000.
11. National seminar on special materials, Organised by IIM, and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Jan. 2001


1st International symposium on beneficiation and agglomeration, Organised by IIM, and RRL, Bhubaneswar, 1981

2nd International symposium on beneficiation and agglomeration, Organised by IIM, and RRL, Bhubaneswar, 1986

3nd International symposium on beneficiation and agglomeration, Organised by IIM, and RRL, Bhubaneswar, 1991

Seminar on Ferro Alloy Making, Bhubaneswar, Organised by IIM, and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Feb, 1989.

8th National Seminar on Thermal Analysis, Organised by Thermal analysis society and RRL, Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, Dec. 1991.


Technical Reports

Externally Funded Projects

Physical Separation Of Aluminium, Carbon and Bath Constituents from Spent Bath Residue.
National Aluminum Company Limited, (A Govt. Of India Enterprise) Bhubaneswar. 2001.

Beneficiation of low grade chromite ores for expansion of chrome ore beneficiation plant, kaliapani, OMC Ltd., the Orissa mining corporation ltd, ( a govt. of Orissa undertaking) Bhubaneswar, 1999.

Performance optimization of hydrocyclones at Meghahatuburu iron ore washing plant
Steel Authority of India Limited, Ranchi, 1998.

Performance studies on Chrome Ore Beneficiation Plant, Kaliapni, Sukinda, Orissa Mining Corporation, State Govt., 1998.

Performance studies on Graphite Beneficiation Plant, Shivagangga, Tamilnadu minerals, State Govt. Chennai, 1997.

Improvement In Dewaterability Of Industrial Sludges By Flocculation, Board Of Research In Nuclear Sciences, Dept Of Atomic Energy, Govt. Of India, 1997

Dewaterability Study To Suggest Suitable System For Joda Iron Ore Fines, Tata Iron And Steel, Jamshedpur, 1997.

Assesment Of Environmental Pollution In Kalinga Area Of Mahanadi Coal Field Limited, Mahanadi Coal Fields Limited, Kalinga Area, Talcher, 1996 –97, (15 Reports, Monthly And Periodicals).

Beneficiation of iron ore ultra fines.
Ms. Steel Authority Ltd., 1995.

Upgradation of Jamnagar bauxite for refractory and ceramic applications.
Dept. of Science and Technology, New Delhi, 1995.

Additives in dry grinding of industrial minerals.
Mineral Technology, Lulea, Sweden, 1993.

Beneficiation of Tapaskonda low grade tungsten -graphite deposit.
Ms. National Mineral Development Corporation Limited, Hyderabad, 1993.

Beneficiation of chromite overburden for nickel enrichment.
Ms. RRL (CSIR), Bhubaneswar, German agency for Technical Co. - operation (FRG) and BARC, Hyderabad, 1993.

Recovery of Molybdenum from copper concentrates of Rakha. Phase - 1.
Ms Hindustan Copper Ltd. Calcutta, 1991.

Beneficiation of high iron manganese ore.
Ms Sandur Manganese and Iron Ltd., Bangalore 1990.
Recovery of minerals from chromite overburden, Sukinda.
Ms. Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited, Jamshedpur, 1989.

Beneficiation of low grade chromite ores of Singhbhum, Bihar.
Ms Director of Geology Dept. of mines & Geology, Government of Bihar, 1989.

Recovery of chrome values from chromite ore beneficiation plant tailings.
Ms. Ferro Alloys Corporation Limited, Shreeramnagar, Andhrapradesh, 1988.

Recovery of iron values from kudremukh iron ore tailings.
Ms. Mineral Development Board, New Delhi, 1987.

Beneficiation of nickel and cobalt bearing chromite overburden, South Kaliapani mines, Orissa, India.
Ms. Mineral Development Board, New Delhi and Industrial Development Corporation of Orissa Limited, Bhubaneswar, 1986.

Report on laboratory studies on characterization, beneficiation and agglomeration of chromites of South Kaliapani mines, Orissa, India.
Ms. RRL (CSIR), Bhubaneswar, India and German agency for Technical Co. - operation, FRG, 1986.

Beneficiation of low grade tungsten ore.
Ms. Mineral Development Board, New Delhi, 1986.

Beneficiation of low grade chromite ores, Sukinda, Orissa.
Ms. Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited, Jamshedpur, 1985.

Report on beneficiation of chromite from Saruabil mines, Orissa.
Ms. Misrilal mines private limited, Chaibasa, 1983.

Studies on overburden materials from chromite mines.
Ms. Mineral Development Board, New Delhi, 1982.

Report on beneficiation of chromite from Sukarangi mines, Orissa.
Ms. Orissa Mining Corporation, Bhubaneswar, 1981.

Report on beneficiation of chromite from Boula mines, Orissa.
Ms. Ferro Alloys Corporation Limited, Shreeramnagar, Andhrapradesh, 1980.


Surface Chemistry And Characterization Of Calc –Silicate Graphite Schistose Rock Minerals And Its Amenability To Flotation For High Purity Graphite, 2000

A Novel Technique To Enhance The Purity Of Graphite From Graphite Ores By Microwave Preheat Treatment Followed By Physico Chemical Process, 1998.

Enhancement Of Graphite By Selective Depression Of Calcite From A Rougher Concentrate Of Calcareous Graphite, Banswara, A State Own Beneficiation Plant, Rajasthan, 1998.

Deinking of paper pulp by flotation,1997.
Effect of additives on grinding and upgradation of graphite, 1996.
Low temperature ashing: A method to assess grinding and flotation, 1995.
Additives in grinding of coal, 1995.
Microwave pretreatment on additive in grinding and flotation of Rampura Agucha copper -lead -zinc ore, 1994.
Effect of surfactant grinding aids on liberation of silica, 1992.
Recovery of industrial silica sand from river bed, 1991.
Effect of additives on consumption of mill power, 1988.
Effect of additives on work index of the ore minerals, 1987.
Preliminary investigations on tungsten bearing eluvial deposits of Degana, Rajasthan, 1984.
Studies on beneficiation of chromite overburden materials from Sukinda valley, Orissa, India, 1984.
Some experiments in additive grinding of iron ore minerals, 1984.
Utility of overburden from chromite mines as a source for nickel, cobalt and chromite, 1983.
Effect of ammonia on grindability of coal, Orissa, 1982.
Effect of additives in grinding, 1980.



Mineral Processing: A Short Course for Supervisors in the MineralMining Industry
Edit. R. Bhima Rao, P.S.R. Reddy and M.I. Ansari
The Orissa Mining Corporation, State Govt. Sector, Bhubaneswar
and Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, Bhubaneswar, 1998.

Solid Liquid Separation in Mineral and Metallurgical Industries.
Edit. R. Bhima Rao and M.I. Ansari
Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, Bhubaneswar, 1996.

Technology Mission on Oils and Pulse: Industry & Research Meet.
Edit. H.S. Ray, S.C. Panda, R. Bhima Rao and D.B. Ramesh
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Regional Research Laboratory and Industrial Development Bank of India, Bhubaneswar, 1996.

Indian Mineral Industry: Energy, Environment and Resource Development.
Edit. S.R.S Sastri, R. Bhima Rao, P.S.R. Reddy and H.S. Ray
Allied Publishers, New Delhi. 1995.

Proceedings of the National Seminar on Gravity Concentration.
Edit. R. Bhima Rao
Indian Institute of Metals, Bhubaneswar
and Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar, 1992.

A Profile on Mineral Beneficiation.
Edit. R. Bhima Rao,
Mineral Beneficiation, Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar, 1992.

Select Bibliography on Gravity Concentration.
Edit. R. Bhima Rao, D. B. Ramesh and A.R. Prasad
Released on the occasion of the National Seminar on Gravity Concentration.
Indian Institute of Metals and Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar, 1992.

Effect of Additives on Comminution
Doctoral Thesis, 1989.

Proceedings of the Silver Jubilee Workshop -Editorial member
Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar, 1988.

Mineral Beneficiation and Agglomeration Plant Practice in India.
Editorial Member - Released on the occasion of the International Symposium on Beneficiation and Agglomeration, IIM & RRL, Bhubaneswar, 1981.

Comminution Practice and Theory
Mineral Processing: A Short Course for Supervisors in the MineralMining Industry
The Orissa Mining Corporation, State Govt. Sector, and Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, Bhubaneswar, 1998.

Mineral chemistry, surface characterization and processing for high purity of graphite
Geological society of India and Dept. of Geology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Jan. 1998.

Benificiation studies on recovery of chromite: Mine to Metals
Geological society of India and Dept. of Geology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Jan. 1998.

Flotation chemicals in comminution and liberation of graphite ore.
Graphite beneficiation plant, Tamilnadu minerals, State Govt., Chennai, Feb. 1997.

Gravity concentration of minerals: A natural phenomenon and Industrial practice.
Post graduate center, Gulbarga university, Krishnadevaraya nagar, Sandur, Sept. 1996.

Comminution of ores and minerals.
Post graduate center, Gulbarga university, Krishnadevaraya nagar, Sandur, Sept. 1996.

Different techniques to estimate the liberation size.
Post graduate center, Gulbarga university, Krishnadevaraya nagar, Sandur, Sept. 1996.

On the design of selective surfactants for mineral processing applications.
National conference on science and technology of self organizing systems with special reference to new generation surfactants. Organized by Center for surface science department of chemistry, Jadavpur, Calcutta, 1995.

Role of organic reagents in mineral industry.
Indian chemical society and Dept. of Chemistry, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, May, 1995.

Effect of additives on grinding.
National Metallurgical Laboratory and Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, Jamshedpur, April, 1995.

Utilization of Indian mineral wastes.
National seminar on Earth resources, industrial development and environmental issues, organized by Geological Society of India and University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, March, 1995.

Effect of surfactant additives on industrial minerals.
Indian society for Surface science and technology and Dept. of Chemistry, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, Feb. 1995.

Effect of comminution on liberation of minerals.
Gelogical society and Dept. of Geology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Oct. 1994.

Effect of additives on grinding of coal.
Indian Institute of Metals and Central Fuel Research Institute, Dhanbad, Feb. 1994.

Effect of grinding aids on liberation of clean coal.
Indian Institute of Metals and Regional Research Laboratory, Bhopal, 1994.

Effect of grinding aids for industrial minerals.
Indian Institute of Metals and Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar, 1993.

Grinding aids for energy conservation: A case study on grindability of iron ore.
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Indian Institute of Metals and Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar, Jan. 1992.

Effect of additives on iron ore minerals.
Ms. Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited, Kudremukh, Jan. 1990.

Effect of additives on comminution.
Indian Institute of Metals and Central Fuel Research Institute, Dhanbad, Aug. 1989.

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