Re: Material Flow Simulation
Try MSC Visual Nastran. It's an add-on into most 3D modellers & works very well. Inventor will do it on its own anyway.
The reason there's no ready made software is...who'd want it who couldn't develop their own? ■
Re: Material Flow Simulation
Discrete Element Models can give you the proper answer on forces in buckets and their supports.
I can't image how Inventor could solve the problem. FEA does also have significant limitations unless the material acts like a fluid. ■
Re: Material Flow Simulation
THe problem with FEA is that it cannot treat discontinum. DEM is a discontinum applied mechanics tool.
Granular material can slide, disassociate or separate, rotate with respect to each other, can fracture or degrade and can agglomerate or stick to each other. THe particles can also have differing rheologies between individual particles and have statistical distributions of rheology, surface structure and shape which cannot be handled by any continuum mechanics model. ■
Re: Material Flow Simulation
Dear Nordell,
Do you mean to say that tehre is now way simulating the material flow.
Even if there is not one, is there any package that treats the material flow as continuum excluding the process implications which you said like rolling, sliding, fracturing etc..
Now, i atleast need to simulate the material flow (forgetting forces for now) while slewing a bucket wheel stacker reclaimer.
Ranga ■
Granular Flow
Dear Rnaga,
I affirm there is software that can immulate granular flow including bucket wheel excavators. I do not understand bucket wheel stackers.
The question is its purchase. We do not sell our software, we offer a service to work with clients to define problems in flow dynamics.
There is software which you may find acceptable. Contact EDEM with headquarters in the UK. There are a number of others with varying comprehension.
Contact me directly with the below details if further info is needed. ■
Re: Material Flow Simulation
Dear Ranga,
our company offers an IT system called MBS for material flow management (logistics, stock management, accounting,...). Part of the product is a software module that we have developed for the simulation of the granular flows of bulk materials. We have implemented our system for coal stockyards with bucket reclaimers.
The system has been designed to monitor and plan blend stockpiles. The physical model has been implemented for coal but can be adjusted to simulate other commodities if necessary.
We have more information and a screenshot on our website
Feel free to contact me by mail at if you wish to get more information.
All the best,
David Sasko ■
Material Flow Simulation
Did anybody had come across any software which allows me to do the simulation of materail reclaiming and know the forces in the system in a bucket wheel reclaimer.
As far as I know., no standard FEA softwares allows me to do it.
Ranga ■