Fly ash drying system Posted in: Forums » News from the Industry » New Projects, Tenders, Inquiries , on 17. Sep. 2006 - 19:42 Is there any fly ash (Rotary drum dryer) drying system available with 5 to 20% moisture, by using coal to generate hot air. If avilable, give me the system description in brief. If possible send me scetch to my e-mail address. ■ Drying Equipment Thermal Processing Processing Coal Production of Solid Fuels Solid Fuels & Energy Generation
Fly ash drying system
Is there any fly ash (Rotary drum dryer) drying system available with 5 to 20% moisture, by using coal to generate hot air. If avilable, give me the system description in brief. If possible send me scetch to my e-mail address. ■