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Member Profile - 97-konstantinos-tsakalakis
Konstantinos Tsakalakis
9 Heroon Polytechniou Str.
Zographou-Athens 15780
+30 210 772 210 1
+30 210 772 221 8
Über Konstantinos Tsakalakis

Dr. Mining Engineer-Metallurgist, National Technical University of Athens
Associate Professor NTUA
School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
Section of Metallurgy and Materials Science
Director of the Laboratory of Mineral Processing

Know-how and experience:
Mechanical Preparation (crushing, grinding and screening) of Minerals, Industrial Minerals and Rocks - Gravitational and magnetic processing methods of Minerals and Industrial Minerals, Production of Cement and Concrete, Mathematical Modelling of Mechanical Preparation and Mineral Processing Processes, Fitting Equations to Experimental Data, Energy Production and Consumption from Fossil Fuels.

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