Martin Rhodes has an honours degree in chemical engineering, a PhD in particle technology, three years industrial experience in chemical and combustion engineering and 17 years as an academic at Bradford University (England) and Monash University (Australia).
He has a Personal Chair in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Monash University, where he is researching various aspects of gas fluidization and particle technology, areas in which he has over 60 refereed publications in journals and international conference proceedings. He has demonstrated ability to compete for scarce research funding, to manage research projects and publish findings in renowned learned journals. Martin has a keen interest in particle technology education; in 1990 he edited a reference book entitled Principles of Powder Technology, in 1998 he published his undergraduate textbook Introduction to Particle Technology and a year later produced a CDROM entitled Laboratory Demonstrations in Particle Technology; he has also directed continuing education courses for industry on Particle Technology subjects in the UK and Australia.
Martin is a past Vice Chair and Treasurer of the Particle Technology Subject Group of the IChemE, founding chair of the Particle Technology Interest Group of the JVCEC. He was instrumental in establishing in 1998 the Australasian Particle Technology Society under the auspices of the Institution of Engineers Australia and is presently President of this society. Martin is Deputy Chair of the organising committee of the 4th World Congress in Particle Technology to be held in Sydney in 2002.
Know-how and experience:
Fluidized beds. Circulating fluidized beds. General particle technology (mixing, conveying, storage, size analysis, dust explosions etc.)
Fields of Consulting work:
Fluidized beds. General particle technology.
Ten Best Publications:
(a) Books
1. Rhodes, M.J. (1998), "Introduction to Particle Technology", John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 320 pages.(undergraduate course textbook).
(b) Refereed Papers in Learned Journals
2. Rhodes, M.J., X.S. Wang, M. Nguyen, P. Stewart and K. Liffman, "Use of discrete element method simulation in studying fluidization characteristics: influence of interparticle forces", Chem. Eng. Sci., in press.
3. Rhodes, M.J., M. Sollaart and X.S. Wang, (1998) "Flow structure in a fast fluidized bed", Powder Technology, Vol. 99, 2, pp. 194-200.
4. Rhodes, M.J., (1996), "What is Turbulent Fluidization?", Powder Technology, 88, 1, pp. 3-14.
5. Wang, X.S., M.J. Rhodes and B.M. Gibbs, (1995) "Influence of Temperature on Solids Flux Profiles in the Riser of a Circulating Fluidized Bed", Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol. 50, No. 15, pp. 2441-2447.
6. Rhodes, M.J. and P. Laussmann, (1992) "A Simple Non-Isokinetic Sampling Probe for Dense Suspensions", Powder Technology, 70, (2), pp. 141-151.
7. Rhodes, M.J., S. Zhou and H. Benkreira, (1992) "Flow of Dilute Gas-Particle Suspensions", AIChE J., Vol.38, No.12, pp.1913-1915.
8. Rhodes, M.J., X.S. Wang, H. Cheng, T. Hirama and B.M. Gibbs, (1992) "Similar Profiles of Solids Flux in Circulating Bed Risers", Chem.Eng. Sci. , Vol. 47, No. 7, pp. 1635-1643.
9. Rhodes, M.J. , (1989), " The Upward Flow of Gas/Solid Suspensions, Part 2: A Practical Quantitative Regime Diagram for the Upward Flow of Gas-Solid Suspensions", Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 67, pp. 30-37.
10. Rhodes, M.J. and D. Geldart, (1987), "A Model for the Circulating Fluidized Bed", Powder Technology, 53, pp. 155-162.