Different Materials on Same Conveying System

Posted in: , on 12. May. 2014 - 16:13

Changing the Materials Using the Same Conveying System


We have a dilute phase conveying line used for LLDPE and we have a plan to include HDPE as well. Normally, is it possible to utilize dilute phase pneumatic conveying for HDPE? Can we easily confirm dilute phase conveying into dense phase?

Re: Different Materials On Same Conveying System

Erstellt am 12. May. 2014 - 06:59

Dear Fahad,

Whether an existing pneumatic conveying system can handle multiple products depends on the pneumatic conveying properties of the involved materials.

The main pneumatic conveying property is the suspension velocity, which can be estimated by the particle size (distribution) and the particle density.

The conveying regime (dense or dilute) is determined by the compressor volume.

See for the Zenz diagram:


Depending on the suspension velocities of the 2 materials, pneumatic conveying of the 2 materials is possible without any changes.

It is also possible that the airflow has to be increased by an additional compressor.

All to be verified by calculations.


Just do a test.

take care



Twenty Questions

Erstellt am 13. May. 2014 - 03:44

This is a 2 line question asking for details of a complete redesign of a system.

Will both materials be in the pipe at the same time?

For conversion of dilute to dense phase you could reduce the solids influx: but why?

Where do the materials start and finish up?

What is the allowable purge time?

Is purging necessary?

Does the feed hopper sustain the download from the new material?

What filtration regime is available?

Do the filter bags have to be cleaned according to batch requirements?

What are the flux diversion requirements?

My remaining questions would relate to pellet properties, gas flow, solids loadings and pipeline routes.

As one of my learned colleagues often says "Help us to help you." Experts need directions from the inquisitor. MIRACLES TO ORDER: THE IMPOSSIBLE TAKES LONGER!

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

Re: Different Materials On Same Conveying System

Erstellt am 14. May. 2014 - 12:09
Quote Originally Posted by FahadView Post
Changing the Materials Using the Same Conveying System


We have a dilute phase conveying line used for LLDPE and we have a plan to include HDPE as well. Normally, is it possible to utilize dilute phase pneumatic conveying for HDPE? Can we easily confirm dilute phase conveying into dense phase?

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Dear Fahad,

LLDPE and HDPE (both made by the Unipol Process) can be conveyed in the same conveying system using separate conveying lines but the conveying system must be designed for the worst case product. Using the same pipeline can cause cross contamination; if this is not a problem, a common pipeline can be used. For LLDPE pellets, pipeline is internally roughened to prevent streamers and angel hair. This may cause unnecessary wear of HDPE pellets.


Amrit Agarwal

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting