Solid Friction Factor for Dense Phase

Posted in: , on 9. Apr. 2014 - 17:59

Solid friction factor on the Pneumatic conveying using dense phase

Good day,

I have designed the system that conveys 135 t/h and conveying distance is about 1 km, density of the material is 900 kg/m3 (fly ash) and when I was calculating the solid friction on the horizontal I got 0.3 which I suspect is too high. Can anyone guide me on how to obtain solid friction factor on the pipe diameter of 300 mm and particle size is 150 micrometers.



Re: Solid Friction Factor For Dense Phase

Erstellt am 9. Apr. 2014 - 05:59

Dear Thabelo,

A solid friction factor (SFR) is related to the used calculation method.

As you do not share the calculation algorithm with the forum members, it is not possible to comment on the value of 0.3.

I made a quick and preliminary calculation for the mentioned project and found:

Compressor approx. 2.2 m3/sec

Fly ash conveying rate 132 tons/hr continuous at 3.0 bar

Energy consumption approx. 4.25 kWh/ton.

SLR = 14.6

If you are applying a 2-vessel system, a considerable capacity reduction is caused by purging the line between kettles, due to the long pipeline, when the kettles are chosen too small.

A calculation with 60 m3 vessels results in a system capacity of approx. 120 tons/hr (3.4 kettles per hr)

Take care


Solids Friction Factor

Erstellt am 10. Apr. 2014 - 08:38

Solid friction factor on the Pneumatic conveying using dense phase

Good day,

I have designed the system that conveys 135 t/h and conveying distance is about 1 km, density of the material is 900 kg/m3 (fly ash) and when I was calculating the solid friction on the horizontal I got 0.3 which I suspect is too high. Can anyone guide me on how to obtain solid friction factor on the pipe diameter of 300 mm and particle size is 150 micrometers.




Dear Thabelo,

I assume you are using the calculation method described in my article. You can easily back calculate the Solids Friction Factor using your actual conveying system pressure drop. It will require a few re-iterations.

Let me know if you need my help in these calculations.


Amrit Agarwal

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting


Re: Solid Friction Factor For Dense Phase

Erstellt am 6. May. 2014 - 07:24

Dear Mr. Agarwal

I have heard a lot about your article, I was even able to get it from some internet sources. It looks like a really detail procedures you suggest to follow for design of conveyor. Thank you for such a great work done!

However, I am a little confused with "Solid mass velocity" in Lbs/sec-Ft^2. I am sure I am not the only one struggling to understand what that exactly is. I am missing a half of calculations because of that value.

Thank you for any suggestions

Looking forward to hearing from you

Re: Solid Friction Factor For Dense Phase

Erstellt am 6. May. 2014 - 07:38

Dear Mr. Agarwal

Would you please explain what you assume as "Solid mass velocity" in (Lbs/sec-Ft2), stated in your article. I am sure I am not the only one struggling to understand that.

Thank you