Monitor Technologies Level Measurement

Posted in: , on 8. May. 2013 - 23:56


Monitor Technologies LLC offers practical solutions for silo and bin level indication, level measurement, inventory management, solids flow detection, particle emission detection, and bin aeration to the worldwide powder and bulk solids market. For over 50 years we have strived to provide high quality products, extensive application support and trusted customer service.

Product Selection:

> Point Level Indicators - Model KA/KAX rotary paddle level switches, SafePoint fail-safe rotary paddle level sensors, TrueCap rf capacitance bin level indicators, vibratory level sensors, diaphragm-style level switches, tilt switches, proximity switches.

> Continuous Level Measurement - Silo Patrol plumb bob level sensors, Flexar guided wave radar level sensors.

> Inventory Control - Silo Track inventory management software.

> Solids Flow Monitors - Analog or relay outputs to indicate the flow / no-flow condition of powder and bulk solids materials in pneumatic process lines, gravity chutes, feeders, etc.

> Particle Emission (Broken Bag) Detectors - DustAlarm monitors that use time-proven triboelectric technology to detect filter failures and leaking filters in the exhaust ducts of bag houses, cartridge collectors, cyclones and other dust collection systems containing filters.

> Bin Aeration Devices - Rectangular air pad, Evasser, Flo-pad.

Applications Include (but not limited to):

Plastics, cement and aggregates, asphalt, fly ash, coal / power plants, mining, biofuels, feed and grain, pellets, food packaging, dry food ingredients, baking & snacks, pet food, pulp & paper, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and more powders and bulk solids. Also some slurry and liquid applications.


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