Re: Loading Bulk Bags Into Containers

Erstellt am 15. Mar. 2009 - 09:57

If you are really serious then you need to see Joloda/Hydrarol equipment.

Joloda are the old timers in the business & have recently aquired Hydrarol, based in Angelsey, and the pair have subsequently been taken over by an American outfit who must be commended on their foresight.

You can Google Joloda or Hydrarol to get the contact details. HJ Heinz & Unilever are 2 good references for Hydrarol & hopefully they have now interlocked the system to prevent drivers legging it off the bay with the chain conveyors still inside the box.

Have Teh Same Problem. Have You Found A Solution ?

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2010 - 09:22


I have the same problem you have. only it has to do with ABS powder..

I wonder if you were able to find a solution for the 48 big bags on a 40 feet container.



Ammonium Nitrate

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2010 - 10:42
Quote Originally Posted by mwsmith13View Post
Need to load 2200 lb bulk bags of ammonium nitrate into containers. Will have to stack 2 high and 2 wide. Any advice on loading and/or special equipment that might help?

Thank you,

Mark Smith

Wayne B. Smith, Inc.

Louisiana, MO


As I am by now sure your posting will have been flagged by the Homeland Security Agency and its computer searches, and put us in their radar, I sincerely hope we are not in for trouble here on the forum.

Shipping containers will not tolerate that weight and loading unfortunately for your product.

The port cable cranes and shipping container cranes would have extreme difficulty just as in previous instances of overloading the actual container buckled in the middle and the entire container physically broke separated nd disgorged its contents prior to transloading

heavy single bag supersacks are typically placed on strong pallets and loaded in one layer only as the floors of trucks and shipping containers are not that strong for your desired weight ratings.

And as Ammonium Nitrate is on the watch lists as an explosive component it will be troublesome to transport without adequate safeguards as it is flammable.

In a standard pallet size of 40 by 48 inches

a twenty foot container will carry 12 single pallets

a thirty foot foot contaner will carry 16 single pallets

a fourty foot container will carry 18 pallets

a fifty three foot container will carry 2 rows of 13 pallets

stacking pallets of super sacks is a bad idea to begin with as the load will shift and cause lots of problems and shoveling.

The short answer for you is that you must- read, examine and understand the the UNO provisions and regulations for shipping materials that are corrosive, flammable and oxidizers which is what I wish you had done prior to your initial posting.

the issue of the end reciever of the super sacks of Ammonium Nitrate is problematic as the end users access to machinery is not offered here and at issue is whether they use a standard forkift or lifting boom pole for the super sack removal or even have access to same.

Re: Loading Bulk Bags Into Containers

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2013 - 04:21
Quote Originally Posted by mwsmith13View Post
Need to load 2200 lb bulk bags of ammonium nitrate into containers. Will have to stack 2 high and 2 wide. Any advice on loading and/or special equipment that might help?

Thank you,

Mark Smith

Wayne B. Smith, Inc.

Louisiana, MO


If you want to use a equipment to stack the 2200lb bulk bags 2 high and 2 wide, the most easy way is use the forklift, this is easy to operate.

As for the 2200lb bulk bags, we can manufacture and export to any countries,if you're interested,please kindly visit our website

Best regards,



Prophetic - Yes We Scan!

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2013 - 04:47
Quote Originally Posted by lzaharisView Post

As I am by now sure your posting will have been flagged by the Homeland Security Agency and its computer searches, and put us in their radar, I sincerely hope we are not in for trouble here on the forum.

Leon had put himself in the firing line of the HSA clowns by pre-empting young Mr Snowden by 3 years.

As for any attempts by the clever HSA, they should be aware that the Boys of the IRA could, did rather, set off bombs in security cordoned off supermarkets using off the shelf products viz fertilizer and lamp fluid, that they could find inside the supermarket. Of course they didn't pay. Who would? The amateurs of the NSA, I nearly said 'have better things to do', don't worry anyone that matters not even these forum members.

John Gateley

Re: Loading Bulk Bags Into Containers

Erstellt am 12. Aug. 2013 - 12:59

Due to the high pressure on bulk material logistics, existing structures, that have often been around for decades, are now started to be rethought and new process links are created...