Re: Alternate To Clutch

Erstellt am 26. Sep. 2008 - 01:41

A little more detail of the application currently using a clutch and why you want to replace it would help

Clutch Et. Al.

Erstellt am 26. Sep. 2008 - 01:45

Greetings and salutations Prakash,

The biggest question is what is it you are doing that requires a clutch?

Number two is this-is the clutch you have now a centrifugal clutch or a (manual pressure plate/power take off) used in stationary work or mobile machinery such as a blower or air compressor?

After you describe what you are doing we will know what it is you are doing and or wish to do.


(not verified)

Re: Alternate To Clutch

Erstellt am 26. Sep. 2008 - 03:04


Please be more specific if you want a meaningful reply.

We had to delete your attached pdf because it did not work.
