Professional English Courses

Rob Marshall
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 28. Jul. 2008 - 06:08

Dear Colleagues,

Through the use of a fully interactive Virtual Classroom we offer professional English courses for Engineers and Businessmen.

This revolutionary type of training uses the latest communication technology (webcam, interactive whiteboard, document and application sharing, webpages etc..) You work face-to-face with your teacher as if you were in a physical classroom.

All our teachers are qualified and experienced native English speakers and our courses are specifically tailored to your needs.

Our lesson diary management system allows you to organise your lessons at times to suit your schedule and provided you have access to a broadband Internet connection of 1Mbs or higher you can follow your course from any location.

Have a look at our websites for more information and read some of our testimonials.


If you need to improve your English we would be delighted to hear from you!

French Version

Chers confrres,

Nous avons lanc l’anne dernire, par le biais de notre site web "", des cours d'anglais en ligne avec des vrais professeurs qualifis.

Ce type de formation rvolutionnaire repose sur l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies de communication (webcam, tableau blanc interactif, partage de documents et de pages web...). Vous dialoguez distance et en direct avec un professeur d'anglais natif dans une salle de classe virtuelle.

Veuillez noter donc que les cours ne droulent pas par tlphone – notre system est beaucoup plus intressant !

My-English-Teacher" donne une trs grande souplesse au niveau des horaires, du rythme, du choix des formateurs, et des sujets abords.Tous nos professeurs sont qualifis au moins CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults) et ils (ou elles) ont plusieurs annes d’exprience. En outre ils ont tous suivis une formation d’enseignement dans notre salle de classe virtuelle.

Pour plus de renseignements et pour lire des tmoignages rcents veuillez regarder nos sites web.



ou envoyer votre courriel

(not verified)

Re: Professional English Courses

Erstellt am 27. Oct. 2009 - 04:34

I wonder do they have a reverse course for german?

Rob Marshall
(not verified)

Professional Language Training - German

Erstellt am 27. Oct. 2009 - 05:49

Although our principal activity is teaching English we have recently introduced French as a response to customer demand. There is no reason at all why we cannot introduce German - or even other languages provided they use a latin character set.

If you have a specific need for German then we would recruit a teacher with as close a match as possible to your requirements. One of our great advantages is that we have no geographic limitations and we have teachers in various European countries - teaching students in others!

I hope that helps. Please contact us if you need any more information.