Calculate moisture content

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 9. Dec. 2007 - 11:45

hi to all

i want to ask about simple and correct way to measure moisture content in the gas stream of bag filter stack etc.

if i have hygrometer giving reading of temperature up to 120 deg C and relative humidity 0-100%. and psychrometric chart

can i use this reading to calculate the mositure content of the bag filter or ep filter stack by taking humidity ration from the psychrometric chart?

is it the correct way of doing it?


Re: Calculate Moisture Content

Erstellt am 9. Dec. 2007 - 11:10

Dear Mr mall,

To calculate the moisture content in air, you need to know:



relative humidity (RH)

Try the attached spreadsheet.

If you switch off the cell protection, you will see the used formulas.




condensation_2 (ZIP)



Erstellt am 10. Dec. 2007 - 02:06

Dear:- Teus Tuinenburg

hou r u

while going thru your calculation for moisture load, some quiries arosed with me

1) in this calculation objective is to calculate moisture in air

that u have calculated condensated mass if iam wrong kindly enlifgten me

2) To calculate moisture load one should take volume of air into consideration

forgive me if iam wrong



Re: Calculate Moisture Content

Erstellt am 10. Dec. 2007 - 03:21

Dear Mr rahulchaubey,

I am fine, thank you.

Condition 1 is to calculate the water(vapor) content of 1 kg of dry air.

If you change the condition of this 1 kg of dry air from condition 1 to condition 2, then the

result is condensation and a RH of 100% or no condensation and a RH of 100% or lower.

This occurs when compressing and cooling air.

(Plant air system or in pneumatic conveying)

Then it is also possible to calculate the absolute mass of condensation when the

amount of air is given.

Also a calculation is given in the spreadsheet based on the measured temperatures of a dry- and a wet bulb thermometer.

best regards



(not verified)

Re: Calculate Moisture Content

Erstellt am 12. Dec. 2007 - 01:58

tq for the reply........


actually i just want to get simple and fast calculation without the spreadsheet.

just by knowing the air volume, temperature, and RH and using chart to get the humid ratio i am able to give the answer. esp when the labtop/pc is not with you.

so can i use my method in my first posting above to get the mositure content?

for sure it will include false air/air inleakage etc in the stack as well.


Re: Calculate Moisture Content

Erstellt am 12. Dec. 2007 - 08:09

Dear Mall,

The spreadsheet (attached earlier in this thread) is based on the psychrometric chart.

Formulas are hidden in the spreadsheet cells, which can be approached when you switch off the cell protection.

If the spreadsheet can use the psychrometric chart, certainly you can too.




(not verified)

Re: Calculate Moisture Content

Erstellt am 13. Dec. 2007 - 03:47

dear teus


but sometime we do not bring along our labtop just calculator and some chart and paper at site

in this case can i just use the method in my first posting above.

Re: Calculate Moisture Content

Erstellt am 13. Dec. 2007 - 06:57

dear Mall,

perform a measurement and calculation according your intended method and check the result against the spreadsheet program.

If the two results are the same, then you know that your intended method is OK.

You can also program a programmable calculator and then you do not need a chart at all


