Dosing Feeder
Erstellt am
5. Dec. 2007 - 11:52
JVI offers custom engineered dosing feeders of that scale that could do the job.
See a video attached.
Contact us for a quote.
(832)467-3720 ■
Tiffany MooreTwo companies under one roof:http://www.navco.usExperts in Applied Vibration - Industrial Vibrator Mfg.andJVI Vibratory Equipmenthttp://www.JVIVibratoryEquipment.comVibratory Feeder and Screen Mfg.Call toll free for info:1 (800)231-0164
Re: Dry Laundry Powder Dosing
Erstellt am
10. Dec. 2007 - 12:56
We specialize in dosing and weighing systems for all types of powders. If you email me more details I will be happy to send a fellow Canadian more information on some simple systems that will do it. ■
Dry Laundry Powder Dosing
Dear All,
I'm looking for a "small scale" system for automatically dosing dry laundry powder into a domestic sized washing machine so that it can perform multiple washes without user intervention.
Any company links much appreciated.
Chris ■