Corrugated Sheet Silo Failures

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 21. Mar. 2006 - 11:57


I am in the middle of an exercise of justifying capital expenditure to replace some old silos (50 tonne capacity). They are of corrugated sheet round vertical silo design, and showing signs of extensive corrosion eg. at boltholes where sheets overlap. These silos are the wrong choice for the application - as they are grain silos being used for storing urea instead.

I would be grateful if anyone has any photos or weblinks with case histories of failures of silos of this type of construction. Also any comments on how these silos normally fail. Anything that will help show graphically the risks to a business of not replacing worn out silos when necessary.



Re: Corrugated Sheet Silo Failures

Erstellt am 21. Mar. 2006 - 01:53


I am afraid that no one will spill the beans and make themslves look bad by admitting some incidents which they prefer to leave behind.

I am aware of a grain silo failure during erection in Southern Queensland.

If U search for legal cases etc on the web or safety alerts etc, U may get something. Look at USA..???

U only have 50T silos, babies - U should not have trouble telling the bean counters that they need replacing.

Urea is very agressive and U need to get a move on and get the corrugated silos replaced asap with stainless steel types. No one will listen to U when they have collapsed and your excuse is that U did not get Capex funding when U knew that there was an issue.

Suggest that U state the obvious, if we do not replace these silos, they will collapse.

