Need Coal Silo Unloader

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 16. Feb. 2006 - 10:42

We need two units coal silo unloader for our project , capacity will be 200 ton/h each , coal size max. 50 mm.

We prefer rotary reclaimer type however another type could be considered.

Please inform us if some body have refference about manufacturer of these equipment.


Elmer Daud

Re: Need Coal Silo Unloader

Erstellt am 1. Mar. 2010 - 01:01
Quote Originally Posted by ElmerView Post
We need two units coal silo unloader for our project , capacity will be 200 ton/h each , coal size max. 50 mm.

Please advise the dimensions of your silo.

Coal Reclaim

Erstellt am 1. Mar. 2010 - 07:31

We, or at least I need much more information from you regarding this, as there are many ways to handle your coal with much less equpment if desired.

Are your silo's or proposed silo's actually a designed horizontal bunker silo?

Are the silos erected or to be erected?, are the silos to considered day storage silos or continuos loading unloading?

is it a silo used for storing coal offloaded by sea or a silo transloading to a sea berth?

Where is the coal being transported to and for what?

Do you know what type of mass flow equipment you want to use or are familiar with?

Desiring a rotary reclaimer casts a wide net over mining mass transportation methods and machineries.

Silo Unloader

Erstellt am 3. Mar. 2010 - 01:26

Dear Sir

The fellows that posted replies, above, are quite right. Please provide additional details of your application.

In the meantime, we tried to send you information on our Bulk material Unloaders/Reclaimers(Bucket Wheel, Bridge Type, Scraper Type and others).

We noted your email address and tried it. Our emails were returned. Please check this, or, you can send us an email at: