New Sieve Technology

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Posted in: , on 6. Sep. 2005 - 13:37

Guttridge bring new multi-frequency sieve separating technology to the UK

Guttridge, the Lincolnshire-based bulk materials handling specialists are pleased to announce their appointment as agents for the Virolat® range of screening machines. A break-through in sieve separating technology achieved by scientists working in Israel is now commercially available as the Virolat® system.

MD Peter Guttridge said, “this unique multi-frequency system is non-blinding, providing a solution for this common problem and at the same time it increases throughput significantly. In addition separation down to 25µm is achievable with improved efficiency”. These are astonishing claims and Guttridge recognise that demonstration and testing will be essential to prove the system to prospective clients, therefore a comprehensive test centre has been set up at Guttridge’s Spalding factory.

Guttridge will be showing the system at the forthcoming PPMA Show, supported by the Virolat® technical staff and their own team of technical sales personnel.

So how does it work? In simplistic terms, a passive-mechanical device based on a phenomenon called Attractor is incorporated into a conventional circular or rectangular sieve separator; when conventional vibration is applied to the device, it in turn applies multi-frequency vibrations to the screen, quite unlike the action of any other system on the market today. The chaotic movement created on the sieve screen deck results in the dramatic increases in productivity and efficiency, as well as the elimination of screen blinding. The system also has applications in areas where traditional screening systems have failed and where de-agglomeration is a requirement.

Guttridge manufacture a range of conveyors, elevators and bulk bag dischargers at their modern factory in Spalding, serving the bulk handling needs of industry sectors as diverse as foods, petfoods, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.


The Virolat® Sieve eliminates blinding and increases screen throughput

For more details, please visit:


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