Portable cement silo

Posted in: , on 15. Jun. 2004 - 16:16

Is there any design for a portable cement silo of about 5 or 10 Mt. capacity which can be loaded on to a truck at cement factory and unloaded at site mechanically.

I am inclind to believe that the cost of packing and empty bags can be saved by the manufacturer and storage problem avoided at site where RMC plants are not in use if we have a mechanism transport cement in bulk form with facility for unloading and loading (hydraulically) on the truck. Silo should also have suitable provision for drawing cement as and when required along with an indication of stock for ordering refills at appropriate time.

If any body can throw light on the above subject I would be grateful.


RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Portable Cement Silo

Erstellt am 3. Jan. 2006 - 12:31

I think this sounds like the type of thing you are looking for:


There are other companies who make them as well.

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Portable Cement Silo

Erstellt am 3. Jan. 2006 - 12:38

I have just noticed that you are based in Austria so thought you might be interested that Zeppelin in Friedrichshafen are one of the companies who make a similar unit.


Portable Cement Silo

Erstellt am 3. Jan. 2006 - 01:12


I have seen your post,now in INDIA at this moment there is no such type of mobile silos are being used,the best way is to load the cement in to jumbo bags cap. up to 2000 kgs at cement factory and then either store at site or unload the same at storage facility at site.

Mobile silo is also a good option but in that case the initial cost is high and you will have to park the silo at site untill it gets empty,to empty this silo you should have again a silo at site.If you need we can prepare a detailed study with drawings for you.

You can make this type of mobile silo in INDIA also.