NDC Infrared Engineering Achieves ISO 9001:2000

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Posted in: , on 12. Sep. 2003 - 23:09

Independent ISO accreditation demonstrates on-line measurement and control systems manufacturer’s commitment to all-round quality

NDC Infrared Engineering, the world leader in on-line continuous process measuring instruments and control systems, has today achieved certification for the internationally recognised ISO 9001:2000 quality standard. Both the company’s manufacturing sites at Maldon, Essex and Irwindale, California are now ISO 9001:2000 approved. The achievement represents NDC Infrared Engineering’s global commitment to quality and to maintaining world-wide recognition for the supply of accurate, reliable, sensors and systems and outstanding global support.

NDC Infrared Engineering have been working towards certification and implementing changes as part of a three year strategic plan aimed at improving the efficiency and profitability of the company. ISO 9001:2000 looks at the way a company is run and ensures that there is a continual checking and improving of their processes and procedures and not just ticking a box.

The ISO 9001:2000 standard is company based and as such, encourages implementation of holistic quality procedures throughout the entire organisation rather than specific products, services etc. At NDC Infrared Engineering, the standard is carried through from development of a product; design; manufacturing; marketing; sales and support services. The company is able to consistently meet and exceed customer requirements and develop close relationships across the whole organisation.

“ISO 9001:2000 accreditation provides our customers with an independent assurance of NDC Infrared Engineering’s reliability, consistency & commitment to quality supply,” comments Bromley Beadle, Managing Director, NDC Infrared Engineering. “The standard is focussed towards understanding customers requirements, and is 100% process based - a living culture - rather than procedures that anyone can achieve. It will help us to continue to deliver customer-focused, innovative, cost effective solutions which add value to our customers throughout the world.”

For further information on NDC InfraredEngineering, please visit:



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