Untitled Posted in: Forums » Research & Development » Publications, Standards, Patents, Catalogs , on 6. Feb. 2001 - 15:22 I want to obtain the paper publised in the subject called "Effects of Cement Particle Size Distribution on the Performance of Concrete".I want to get information of PSD of cement and its effects on concrete properties (bleeding, strenght, etc)My FAX number is: 0054-2292-498175.Best regards ■ Particle Size distribution analysis Partikelanalyse Bulk Material Analysis Sampling & Analysis Cement Nichtmetallische & Mineralische Produkte Pulpe & Paper
I want to obtain the paper publised in the subject called "Effects of Cement Particle Size Distribution on the Performance of Concrete".
I want to get information of PSD of cement and its effects on concrete properties (bleeding, strenght, etc)
My FAX number is: 0054-2292-498175.
Best regards ■