Due to increase in infrastructure activities in Gulf, cement is in great demand, In past, there were only very few countries in Gulf which started using FLY ASH MIX CEMENT( PPC) instead of OPC.Recently, some more countries in Gulf have accepted the use of PPC.
At this moment instead of going for new green field plant for cement,it is better to go for imoprt of fly ash.There shall be requirement of 20-25 mtpa of FLY ASH by the gulf countries with in next 3-5 years.
In India, Major power producing cos. are in the market for making agreement to sell 20 million tonnes of fly ash .
Here are some interesting Figures--
After five years-
The price for cement in Gulf will be around--150-160 US$/Tonnes
and the price for Fly ash shall be around----60-70 US$/Tonnes provided the agreement with fly ash cos. is signed now.
The facilities required at other end shall be only---
Trading in Fly Ash
Due to increase in infrastructure activities in Gulf, cement is in great demand, In past, there were only very few countries in Gulf which started using FLY ASH MIX CEMENT( PPC) instead of OPC.Recently, some more countries in Gulf have accepted the use of PPC.
At this moment instead of going for new green field plant for cement,it is better to go for imoprt of fly ash.There shall be requirement of 20-25 mtpa of FLY ASH by the gulf countries with in next 3-5 years.
In India, Major power producing cos. are in the market for making agreement to sell 20 million tonnes of fly ash .
Here are some interesting Figures--
After five years-
The price for cement in Gulf will be around--150-160 US$/Tonnes
and the price for Fly ash shall be around----60-70 US$/Tonnes provided the agreement with fly ash cos. is signed now.
The facilities required at other end shall be only---
1. Unloaing of fly ash.
2. Storage for Fly ash and
3. Despatch facilities.
Libran Engineering & Services,India
0091-09811055650 ■