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For all Sectional Screw Flight & Screw Conveyor manufacturers.
Advanced Spiral Technologies Flight Blank Designer program is now available. Try out the Demo Version.
Accurately calculate the blank development for any combination of sectional screw flight type. Save the generated dxf file for sending to your nesting program or cutting machine.
Screw Flight Design
We hope that our contribution to the Engineering Software Forum is considered beneficial and what you are looking for.
For all Sectional Screw Flight & Screw Conveyor manufacturers.
Advanced Spiral Technologies Flight Blank Designer program is now available. Try out the Demo Version.
Accurately calculate the blank development for any combination of sectional screw flight type. Save the generated dxf file for sending to your nesting program or cutting machine.
Standard Flight
Tapered OD Flight
Tapered ID (cone screw) Flight
Notched Flights
Integraleg Flights
Download the program today at www.advspiraltech.com
Other programs coming soon
Spiral Deflection Calculator
Critical Whirling Calculator
Screw Conveyor Design
Screw Feeder Design ■