Greetings From Moderator

Mark Kilfoil
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 4. Dec. 2002 - 10:01

Hello All

I will be moderating this forum in future. It has not been a particularly active forum, but I hope that will change.

Engineering software is a wonderful tool and it is getting better all the time. I hope this forum will become a site of discussions on the merits of different programs, new applications and even "wish lists" of things that users and potential users would like to have. So, I hope to see contributions from software suppliers, users in the bulk handling industries and from the research community.

I am looking forward to some responses.


Mark Kilfoil

Software For Belt Conveyor

Posted on 5. Dec. 2002 - 06:17

Greetings Mark,

Great to see some interest in the subject. I agree with you on the merits of software as a tool that can make a difference.

Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. markets a family of software. Much of it is bundled in BELTSTAT ( We wish to assist the industry in making all software accountable, accurate, functional and affordable. To these ends, we welcome you and the followers of the forum in expanding critical review on softwares of substance.

Our company participates in Bulk Solids general forums with enquiry and commentary. We stand willing to expand our knowledge and to construct the necessary codes, if within our capacity. I say for the many developers and to the users of software - the developers are ever ready to further their charter when a common interest is spoken among the users.

Ever Ready to Serve

Lawrence Nordell


Conveyor Dynamics, Inc.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450