Dynamic simulation of trough belt conveyor

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Posted in: , on 12. Jan. 2022 - 12:10

Dear Experts:

i am preparing a simple dynamic simulation software of trough belt conveyor, it's for personal design reference and not commercial purpose.

accroding to some doceuments, using [M]*a+[C]*v+[K]*x=[F]

as matrix [M], it's esier, but in order to make the simulation more accuracy, maybe they are many other different opinions or valuable experience to cal Cand [K],

now i am using following format:

c=(Ei*B*r)/l, k=(Ei*B)/l, Ei=E/[1+B*E*q*q*L*L*cosa/12*T*T*T

E:belt elastic

Ei:element elastic

B:belt width

r: belt relaxation

l:element lenght

q:weight per meter

L:idler space

arofile angle

T:element tension average

as to get the better simulation result, any experts can give some valuable suggestions or idea for [C] and [K] calculation?

thanks so much

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