Can I Replace a Fluid Coupling for VVVF?

Posted in: , on 23. Mar. 2010 - 07:54

In our plant we currently have a 330 KV electric motor connected to a variable fill fluid coupling to drive a conveyor. We had this setup for the conveyor to run at half speed sometimes. We don't require the option of running the conveyor at half speed now and the variable fill fluid coupling installed has lots of reliability issues.

I had looked at the option of replacing the fluid coupling with VVVF but I do not have much experince with these VVVF units so I was wondering what are the main checks I need to do to make this happen. Oh maybe the question should be can I actually do this?

I would appreciate any feedback on this

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Can I Replace A Fluid Coupling For Vvvf?

Erstellt am 23. Mar. 2010 - 08:59

You can do almost anything, it is just a case of if it is worth it / you can afford it.

In concept we understand you are suggesting removing the fluid coupling (replacing with a "rigid" high speed coupling of some description) and supply the motor via VSD.

Some things (not exhaustive) to check:

Can you supply network cope with the VSD (maybe not such an issue with a suitably specified VSD).

Can you physically fit a VSD in your current electrical infrastructure

Is the motor suitable for VSD duty (if not you may need to replace it / or live with some risk)

The VSD is suitably selected to deliver the starting torque you require

How much will all this cost (including lost production during cut over) / is it worth it (only you can have the information to make this decision).

A suitably specified arrangement should be able to provide part speed operation, if you change your mind in the future.



Re: Can I Replace A Fluid Coupling For Vvvf?

Erstellt am 28. Mar. 2010 - 09:13

Hello there,

Lyle is hitting the nail on the head: 330Kv variable speed drives do not come cheap. Replacing the hydro coupling with a e.g. shim pack coupling is a piece of cake by comparison. I am assuming that the HP / Kw is above 300. If so, you are looking at a cost of at least $40-50K for a VSD alone. So it depends how unreliable the existing set up is and how much the thing costs you in downtime and repair cost.

Regards, Ralf Weiser (001)-484-718-3518 [url][/url]