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Posted in: , on 26. Jul. 2008 - 13:10

HAVER SOUTHERN AFRICA (Pty.) Ltd. is founded

Haver & Boecker intensifies its activities in southern Africa

Southern Africa is becoming an important market for the future because of its vast wealth of natural resources and the rising worldwide demand for raw materials. By founding the HAVER SOUTHERN AFRICA (Pty.) Ltd., Haver & Boecker is expanding its activities in the countries of southern Africa, and thus responding to the rising demand for high value mineral processing technology and competent on-site service.

Up to now the main focus of market activity has been the diamond industry. More than ten Hydro-Clean® high pressure washing units are now operating successfully in mines or for exploration work in southern Africa.

General Manager Noel de Wet is confident that innovative screening, washing and pelletising technology will also soon establish itself in other industrial sectors, such as the ore industry.

The new company, located in Fairland, Johannesburg, has great expectations from its participation in the Electra Mining exhibition which will take place September 8-12, 2008.

For more information, please visit:




A semi-mobile Hydro-Clean® pilot system in Kimberley


1_haver (JPG)

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