Grabs Venture

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 25. Apr. 2008 - 12:46

Hi Everyone

I am in a process of launching a new project for my company.

This would be

Rent A Grab

These grabs can be rented or leased for long or short periods

I would like an advice on it.

Thanks and regard

Re: Grabs Venture

Erstellt am 26. Apr. 2008 - 05:20

Gosh! What an idea! I hope you can work this out ok.

My advice is to get good advice. You'll have significant contractual, legal, financial, marketing, strategic and technical issues to think about - and not necessarily in that order. If I may quote someone else from the forums the other day - don't make expensive mistakes on your own. Ask advice from the right people on the right topics, think it through.

kind regards

Helmut Mayer

[B]Helmut Mayer[/B] B.E.-Aerospace B.Sc.-Psyc Director and Principal Engineer Mayer International Design Engineers Pty Ltd Specialist Engineering of Material Handling Equipment, Cranes and other Custom Machines Australia