Weight variation in talc filled material

Posted in: , on 18. Dec. 2006 - 03:50

1. What is the effect of bulk density on filler in compounding?

2. Other than MFI, Filler content what is the other variables in raw material contributes weight variation in injection moulding?

3. How we can identify the filler's partical size of bulk density

in the compound(plastic-40% talc filled PP)

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Weight Variation In Talc Filled Material

Erstellt am 20. Dec. 2006 - 01:47

I am sorry but I don't understand the question.

What relevance does bulk density have to the performance of the filler when it is compounded? Bulk density variation within a particular material is a measure of how much air or gas there is in the bulk mass. When a filler is compounded, the polymer replaces the air and the concept of bulk density is meaningless isn't it?

There may be issues about changes in bulk density of the filler before it is compunded altering the proprtion of filler being added either because the system is based on volumetric metering or because if the material is too compacted it won't flow reliably.

What does MFI stand for?

I would assume that polymer molecular weight would also have a significant effect.

I don't understand the term "Partical Size of Bulk Density", particle size and bulk density are different things, changes in particle size can affect bulk density of course but I don't understand what you mean here.

It would of course be a lot easier to measure the particle size before you compound it rather than after, why should it change during compounding?