Melt Atomization Facility Is Required

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 7. Dec. 2002 - 23:42

Dear Sir/Madam

I am a Ph.D student of mechanical engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada, working with professor N. Ashgriz , in melt atomization and metal powder production field. We intend to purchase a complete melt atomization facility. So, any suggestion or related information about suppliers or designers of melt atomizers, specially in russia or eastern europe. will be highly appreciated.

Metal Melt Atomisation

Erstellt am 8. Dec. 2002 - 10:40

I have details of a company who specialises in these systems. Can you e-mail your details along with more data regarding the scale of operation needed, the metal types you are planning to atomise, and the particle sizes so I can pass them on and let them contact you direct.
