
A. Davies
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 29. Dec. 2001 - 16:09

We have a concrete sluiceway that is showing signs of wear and we would like to do something about it during the Christmas shutdown.

It has been suggested that quarry tiles would be suitable for lining the sluice. I know that quarry tiles are used on kitchen floors and I am concerned that they might not be suitable for my sluice. In particular, are quarry tiles more wear resistant than concrete and are they resistant to frost damage?

I would be grateful for some quick advice as I have a meeting tomorrow, when a decision will have to be made.


Alan Davies


Erstellt am 29. Dec. 2001 - 04:38

Hi Alan,

Fully vitrified quarry tiles should be more wear resistant than concrete, but it depends allot on the quality of the concrete used in the sluice. Aluminous cements are sometimes used for sluiceways and some of these are as wear resistant as quarry tiles.

Quarry tiles are used as sluiceways linings and frost damage will not be a problem if the tiles are fully vitrified. If the tiles are not fully vitrified they will absorb water and frost damage is likely.

You should also be concerned about how the concrete is to be prepared for lining and how the quarry tiles are to be bonded.



Robin Kiddie - Kingfisher Industrial, U.K.
(not verified)

Hi Alan

Erstellt am 12. Dec. 2002 - 02:05

Fused cast basalt has been used extensively in the power generation industry for helping to reduce abrasive wear in furnace bottom ash sluiceways, if you require any further information please contact me

Robin Kiddie

Kingfisher Industrial


(not verified)

Re: Sluiceway

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2006 - 09:09

email me for the solution. We have a trowellable ceramic product that would be excellent for this application.

Originally posted by A. Davies

We have a concrete sluiceway that is showing signs of wear and we would like to do something about it during the Christmas shutdown.

It has been suggested that quarry tiles would be suitable for lining the sluice. I know that quarry tiles are used on kitchen floors and I am concerned that they might not be suitable for my sluice. In particular, are quarry tiles more wear resistant than concrete and are they resistant to frost damage?

I would be grateful for some quick advice as I have a meeting tomorrow, when a decision will have to be made.


Alan Davies