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22.5567507, 88.3722641

Sibtosh Chatterjee
P-24, C . I. T. Road, Scheme- Xm, Beliaghat
Kolkata (West Bengal) 700010
+91 33 350 717 0
+91 33 244 944 9
Über Sibtosh Chatterjee

Born in 1949 at Burdwan town, which is 120 km away from the city of Calcutta. A mechanical engineer with 24 years exposure in marketing & sales of foundry products for construction equipments, freight car and locomotive, steel and power plant.
Beginning of career, he worked for 7 years under medium engineering firm as Sales & Service engineer for machine tools equipments and hydraulic elements. He worked under foundries duly approved by AAR & certified as BS EN ISO 9002:94.

Know-how and experience:
Specialized in representation business for marketing wear resistance & high tensile castings and other components for construction equipment, coal mine, iron ore mine, power plant and machine building industry, freight car and locomotive

Fields of Consulting work:
Business representation for toughest wear resistance component in Coal Mine, Iron ore Mine, Power Plant, construction equipment and machine building industry

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