Idler Assembly IP Licence for Sale

Posted in: , on 12. Dec. 2010 - 05:46

Belt Conveyor Idler Assembly. IP Licence/s for sale

Safety innovation product for sale. The IP has been in use for 5 years and Letters Patent have been given and the American US Patent Application #12/295367 has been issued without any objections raised. It has also been approved in numerous countries around the world.

This product has variations to suit most idler configurations and these variations can be viewed at

Interested parties should contact Les Dunn, the Inventor or Justin Geddes for Allenvee Holdings P/L or Robbie Hogg for Licencee, Tamec Services Pty Ltd.

Contact:- Les Dunn (Inventor) email:- "Les Dunn"

Allenvee Holdings Pty LtdAssignee of Technology

Justin Geddes (Lawyer:- "Justin Geddes" )

Tamec Services (Sole Licencee)

Robbie HoggTamec Services Pty Ltd email:-"Robbie Hogg">>>

Mechanical Doctor There is No such thing as a PROBLEM, just an ISSUE requiring a SOLUTION email:- [email][/email] Patented conveyor Products DunnEasy Idler Assembly & Onefits conveyor Idler Roll [WINNER] Australian Broadcasters Corporation's TV 'The New Inventors' Episode 25 - 27th July 2011 [url][/url]
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