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33.8255971, -84.2352236

U.S. Poultry + Egg Association
1530 Cooledge Road
Tucker (GA) 30084
United States
+1 770 493 940 1
+1 770 493 925 7
About U.S. Poultry + Egg Association
USPOULTRY supports the poultry and egg industries through research related to all aspects of the poultry and egg industry, education via our seminars and conferences, and on a technical level, specifically focusing on food safety, environmental aspects, worker health, safety and human resources. Our members include producers and processors of broilers, turkeys, ducks, eggs and breeding stock, as well as allied companies.

USPOULTRY keeps poultry leaders abreast of the latest research, federal regulations and food safety trends and provides technical expertise to help maintain and provide a healthy food supply to the masses.