Company Profile Login or Register to add a Company 51.3677741, 12.4636708 TAKRAF GmbH Torgauer Straße 336 04347 Leipzig Germany 20242025 Views1448202 Clicks00 Articles (16) Videos (2) Profile Staff (8) Forum Posts (8) Videos by TAKRAF GmbH Company Video TAKRAF in India TAKRAF India Pvt. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tenova Mining and Minerals working in development, planning, design, manufacture and supply of plants, systems and equipment in the area of open cast mining and bulk material handling. Tenova Mining and Minerals Division is a part of the larger …read more Project Video TAKRAF Material Handling Competence for CBG's Bauxite Expansion Project in Guinea This video showcases TAKRAF’s integrated project delivery capability through an overview of the Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) bauxite expansion project in Guinea. The EPC project, awarded to TAKRAF in late 2016, aims to increase bauxite exports from 13.5 mtpa to 18.5 mtpa and includ…read more
Company Video TAKRAF in India TAKRAF India Pvt. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tenova Mining and Minerals working in development, planning, design, manufacture and supply of plants, systems and equipment in the area of open cast mining and bulk material handling. Tenova Mining and Minerals Division is a part of the larger …read more
Project Video TAKRAF Material Handling Competence for CBG's Bauxite Expansion Project in Guinea This video showcases TAKRAF’s integrated project delivery capability through an overview of the Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) bauxite expansion project in Guinea. The EPC project, awarded to TAKRAF in late 2016, aims to increase bauxite exports from 13.5 mtpa to 18.5 mtpa and includ…read more