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-26.1175427, 28.0025206

International Materials Handling Conference
18 Kangnussie Dr
Randburg 2194
South Africa
+27 11 888 716 3
+27 86 589 215 8
About IMHC
The International Materials Handling Conference is an autonomous body managed by a committee of individuals drawn from the conveyor industry. Conferences have been held every two years in an unbroken line from Beltcon 1 held in 1981, Beltcon 2 in 1983 right up until Beltcon 20 in 2019.

The conference is very much organised by the industry for the industry and is aimed at disseminating information on the latest technology as well as presenting case studies papers and new ideas for design, safety and operation of belt conveyors. Emphasis is placed on bringing practical information to the industry and technical past papers of conferences are made available for posterity on the website.

The IMHC is underwritten by the three associations that play a prominent part in the materials handling industry. They are the CMA (Conveyor Manufacturers Association of South Africa NPC), the SAIMechE (The SA Institution of Mechanical Engineering), and the SAIMH (SA Institute of Materials Handling).