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51.5060296, -0.2563972

Dr. Philip Attwool
Sales and Marketing Manager
3 Warple Mews, Warple Way
London W3 0RF
Vereinigtes Königreich
+44 20 874 949 00
+44 20 874 967 49
Über Philip Attwool

Born London, England in 1961.
BSc. in Chemical Physics (1983) and Ph.D. in Food Physics (1987) both from Bristol University, England.

Know-how and experience:
Physical chemist in industry, initially in food research at Kraft General Foods in Illinois, USA. Then switched to flavour encapsulation at Firmenich in Geneva, Switzerland. Now with Surface Measurement Systems in London, England.

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Food
2. Flavours
3. Pharmaceuticals

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