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38.6907096, -90.4493541

1807 Park 270 Drive, Suite 500
St. Louis (MO) 63146-4034
Vereinigte Staaten
+1 314 878 012 3
+1 314 878 012 0
Über Ellen Pond

Born in 1969 in Huntsville,Alabama. Education: BA in French and Political Science (Univ. of Missouri); MBA emphasis in Marketing (Univ. of Missouri); British Broadcasting Corp. 1995-2000 in NYC, Penta Engineering 2001-present.

Know-how and experience:
Penta Engineering, a full-service engineering firm, has years of experience servicing cement plants, cement terminals, lime plants, packing plants, mining and mineral processing facilities, quarries, mines, solid fuel grinding and firing systems, and general bulk material handling.

Penta provides process, civil/structural, mechanical, electrical/control engineering support and construction services.

Fields of Consulting work:
1. process automation;
2. bulk ports and shipping;
3. cement manufacturing equipment;
4. solo design and engineering.

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