Born 21.05.1957 Kladno, CZ
Studied machinery at the Technical University CVUT Praha, a branche The Energetic Machines and Equipments
Know-how and experience:
Calculation and design of pneumatic conveying systems, especially of powder materials. Fly-ash shift away from bag filters and electroprecipitators. The aeroslides, powder material dosing. Powder materials storage, silo aeration, expedition.
He has developped the unique pneumatic conveying system by a Flow Feeder.
Fields of Consulting work:
pneumatic conveying systems calculation
pneumatic conveying systems consulting
pneumatic conveying systems design
silo aeration
powder expedition
The New Fly-Ash Shift Away System from Hopers of Bag Filters and Electropecipitators at Heating Plants.
49.4441613, 14.350337
Petr Rayman
Technical Director
Na Cukave 1473
Milevsko 39901
Milevsko 39901
+42 382 522 115
+42 382 522 117
Über Petr Rayman
1993/1 – Heute
(32 Years / 2 Monate)
Technical Director
1985/1 – 1993/12
(8 Years / 11 Monate)
system designer of ventilating systems of nuc