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58.5921346, 16.1922203

Bertil Folke Wahren , Diplom Engineer
Owner, CEO
Trädgårdsgatan, 24
Norrköping 602 26
+46 70 545 790 1
+46 70 545 790 1
+46 70 545 790 1
Über Bertil Folke Wahren

Graduated marine engineer from Stockholm Marine Academy. Service engineer in merchant marine, designe of rubber suspensions in industry, Sales manager in rubber industry. Founded Primogum AB in 1990. Introduced many important makers of conveyor belts and conveyor accessories like Shaw Almex and Phoenix belts in Sweden
Founded Versum AB in 2005 to design, promote and market belt tracking devices for conveyors.
Worked in the rubber industry since 1967 and in possession of a number of patents.

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