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55.7305009, 37.5941219

Expo Fusion
Exhibitions with Passion and Quality
ul. Timura Frunze,3 -1
Moskau (Moskva) 119021
+7 495 955 919 9
+7 495 246 927 7
About Expo Fusion
EXPO FUSION LLC is one of the traditional players as organizer in the Russian exhibition industry. For many years, a team of experienced professionals has been organizing the work of business platforms for various industries – from fashion to metallurgy – providing world standard service and confirming a reputation as the most reliable and stable partner.

Having come a long way from organizing the first exposition of West German companies in Moscow in 1963, opening an officially accredited representative office of Nowea International in 1979, and then the Russian division of Messe Duesseldorf GmbH in 1997, expanding the business as an autonomous subsidiary of Messe Duesseldorf Moscow OOO in 2002 – the company moves to a new stage of development as a Russian independent operator of the exhibition market – EXPO FUSION LLC.